Forum Discussion

Ryanwhales's avatar
6 years ago

Watches Ahnalds video.... "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

I know this probably isnt a really big deal, but i think I might miss Darth Revan...


I have been farming darth revan since he came out, and because of the conversion back to 5 farming on nodes, it just screwed me up. I dont really mind waiting until he comes out again, its just that it really bothers me that i was waiting about 3 months and am going to have to wait 6 months to finally get him. I also even wasted my time gear 12ing hk47 and was working on badstilla as well. Heres were my guys are at.

Hk47, done. Canderous, done. Carth (I hate you so much) 79/80, Juhani, 41/100,
Badstilla, 9/100.

I am not quitting or anything, but at the moment the frustration feels almost enough to just leave and throw this out my window.

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