Thanks a lot everyone for your help (and for the jokes) !
Darkhelmett, you had me with "you could probably undergear Pao". This is a very important argument for me ^^
I really want to gear only one more character, and the few gear the better. If I want a fighting chance to follow meta, I need to be stingy ;) (Thx for your enlighten advice Thulsadoom, but gearing more than one is not an option, so I can't Pao+Hoth ;) )
Flux-rono, not gearing anyone and throwing 3bacca in there is also a interesting option. But 3bacca in Rebels could allow me to fight some serious opponents, so I'm not sure.
Couple of posters advised me to be looking for Hoth Stuff. Tbh honest, I have no idea if Pao or Ski monitor is a better choice. Using Pao at G11 is really tempting. Can I do that with the Snowman ? Or is it really, really worth it to field him instead of Pao, even if it means more gear ?
Thanks again boyz and girlz !