Focus on finishing your JKR team. If you're gonna use in arena for a while, get them all up to G12, swap Ezra for GK ASAP for better holds on defense, and zeta Jolee and all three of Revan's abilities. As far as farming goes, at this point since you already have JKR, you could start working towards DR/Malak, though you may want to unlock Han's Falcon first, to give you a leg up in ships as well. You also may want to consider working on strong teams for GAC such as Padme, CLS, Geos, etc. Finally, if you aren't already, get yourself into a guild that has HPit and HAAT on farm. Even with how old they are, both Han and GK are characters you can't go wrong investing in at any point. Between the Falcon and eventually the Negotiator, and being a key component in CLS and JKR/Padme teams respectively, the sooner you have both at 7* G12 or higher, the better.