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pumpkin1224's avatar
4 years ago

What does having a focused roster mean? Examples?

I understand the general concept - that you have fewer characters that are all highly worked up relative to your ability to do so instead of having a few worked up with many characters at lower levels.

But what does a focused vs unfocused roster look like, particularly when it comes to joining guilds or participating in events?

And how does knowing that some things are just long farms and you need to combine shorter term wins to build strength while doing longer farms play into this? Or is that just a newer player thing and will change?

I tried searching for this information, but couldn't find a good description.

10 Replies

  • Focus rosters are focused on a guild objective. For example, if you want to join a new guild that is doing DS Geonosian TB, they might ask you a focus roster on DS TB, wich means having your geonosians gear 12 (more or less) in order to get Wat shards, and 1,2,3,4 others DS viable teams for battles. Usually, focus rosters are meant for TBs but it can actually be for raids (CPit X ready teams, TW X type defense teams,etc...). The LS TB is the most required focus roster, and the hardest, it means having a full 501st + Shaak Ti at R5 min (or R5 Bad batch...) and at least 3 highly reliced other teams, GR and Jedi.

    Is that the answer you were looking for @Engineer12 ?
  • If you have 5 Mil GP & Only a 1/2 dozen Relic'd Characters, your roster might be unfocused.

    If you Relic'd your Gamorean Guard before anyone else, your roster might be unfocused.

    If your best LS team is Jawas, your roster might be unfocused.

    If you have been playing the game for 6 years & still haven't started on a GL, your roster might be unfocused.

    If you have even 1 shard of Bodi from Rogue-1, your roster might be unfocused.

    If you open every single character Marquee, level it to 85, and give it G8, your roster might be unfocused.

    If you still don't have Geo Alpha open over 2 years later, your roster might be unfocused.
  • I've seen a lot of players at about 5 mil GP without a single relic. Active players.

    That's another example, anyway.
  • "Intimmydation;c-2317143" wrote:
    Hey there @Engineer12

    A focused roster is one that is built up with squads or characters that are useful for different game modes, and not one that is just leveling up tons of different characters because you can. I will put some examples below:

    Non Focused Roster
    - 3M gp with only a handful of characters at g13, lots of characters at g10 or g11, and without teams that specifically help guilds
    - 4M+ gp and no Galactic Legends...i.e. people playing longer than 2 years and still haven't gotten a GL (though you can still be focused w/o a GL, see below)

    Focused Rosters
    There can be many ways to have a focused roster, you could have a GAC focus, a guild focus, an income focus, etc.
    - Guild focus - full squads built at required gear levels to help your guild. This would be g12 Geos for Wat mission, Shaak Ti and clones at r5+ for KAM mission, multiple full r5+ squads to use for Challenge Rancor
    - Arena focus - Probably this means a GL rush, getting one in 10-12 months to focus on getting top ranks in Squad Arena
    - Fleet focus - buildings towards the GET2 capital ships (Negotiator and Malevolence) and their proper fleets, with pilots at appropriate gear levels
    - Income focus - build your squads to maximize rewards you can earn in Assault Battles, Galactic Challenges, Conquest, etc....this is a relic Imperial Troopers squad, JKR jedi squad, etc.
    - GL focus - Focusing on getting as many GLs as you can, let's' see 1 GL for every 1.5 to 2M gp

    Here are a few rosters I would consider as focused, but in different ways:
    1. My main account (11 months old) which is at 3.1M gp, so needs 4 fleets for my GAC division and I already have both GET2 fleets at 7*. I have full CLS relic, Padme & CAT, and GAS (working up my clones). No GL yet but that will come soon with JMK
    2. My alt account (6 months old) which is just over 1M gp, has a GET2 ship with Malevolence, Wat ready Geos and working on Troopers. This account gets top in fleet arena daily, decent in Squad arena, and contributes to the guild way above my GP
    3. GAC / GL focused account this is an insane account where the guy has only built teams that lead into GLs, so he already has 2 Galactic Legends and is working on his 3rd, and he has less than 3M gp.

    Very much agree with this.

    However, some unfocused rosters, like 4m+ GP and no GLs, are not rectifiable.

    However, some unfocused rosters, like my main, can be rectified.

    You may see a g7 Luminara, a g7 Jedi Consular, a zOld Ben completely abandoned. But then you also see that I did start to get focused with my account — WAT ready Geos, Shaak Clones near CPit / KAM ready, building a Padmé team and going for GAS etc.


    Mods are another important thing with focused rosters. They don’t necessarily have 6 dot mods on all their g12 characters, but handpick good mods for different characters, avoid 4 or less dot mods, and don’t just think about sets, but look at primaries and secondaries. An example of not doing that is a health cross on Padmé with an Offence Primary, CC, CD, Offence, and Tenacity secondaries. Could be good for Ahsoka under Padmé lead, but not Padmé because of the secondaries.
  • A focussed roster just means you have a plan, with a defined end goal (or goals) that you never reach because CG move the goal posts (nerfs, jamming up nodes, etc etc). An unfocused roster on the other hand means you have less well-defined goals that you also never reach (for the same reason). It’s really quite clear.
  • Thank you everyone for your input. That helped. Intimmydation, thank you especially for all the detail. Schwartzring, thank you especially for the humorous delivery.
  • "Engineer12;c-2317377" wrote:
    Schwartzring, thank you especially for the humorous delivery.

    I was hoping someone would pick up on the mimicry I was shooting for.

    But seriously, each of those points is something to showcase being unfocused.

    What it comes down to is are you doing something that really doesn't support a "need" in the game, some event, some pre-requisite, or are you doing it as "a collection" or "for the heck of it".

    Using that Bodi, Rogue-1, comment above, Rogue-1 isn't used for much, a bit in LS-Hoth TB & then some of the more rare Rebel Fleet ships.
    You can assemble a 5 man team that is all fleet crews, or, you can use the combo of "Chaze" for 2 members, but the one member that has Zero use for any extra function is Bodi Rook.
    No Ship, no "Synergy" w/ another named Rogue-1 character like "Chaze" or Cassian & K2SO.
    So basically any resources spent are a waste, they get you nothing gives you access or loot or anything.
    Your better off using other Rogue-1 characters in every case. Assuming you even want to have a Rogue-1 team at all.
    The same is true of the Gamorean, or the Tuskens trio, right up till 1 of them is now required for Lord Vader anyway. They are nice bits of lore for the game, but, they don't get used for anything outside of maybe being required for a platoon in one of the TBs.
    If you get free shards from a Bronzium or G-War or some other source, great, but its nothing to go out & actively "Farm" to completion.

    Being Focused is about working towards something that the game is calling for & not doing random stuff w/o any knowledge of what your doing it for.

    That 3rd acct that Intimy linked is uber focused, clearly something new that only started after GLs were introduced into the game.
    Great for GAC but lacks some of the depth of a lot of stuff used for other parts of the game.

    Mods as Child mentioned is a part of focus, many people just seem to level anything & everything & have mods on a character that aren't really supporting that character's "Kit".
    Spending time reviewing mods, selling off the useless junk, learning a what a "Good" mod looks like & figuring out where mods are best used for your roster is a lot of time spent but it does pay off in increased performance of the team.

    This roster is fairly focused but started before GLs & was working on all the older content that didn't require G12 to beat & so was a bit late getting to the GL game.
  • "LordGrahck;c-2320190" wrote:

    By this logic, having a highly developed JKR or Darth Revan team would be an example of an unfocused roster, and a waste of resources. After all, neither of the Revans are needed for a ship, TB mission, GL, or anything else except for getting Malak, who is also not needed for any ship, TB mission, GL, raid, or anything else. The same is true for most of the Old Republic faction. In fact, by your logic, the only members of the Old Republic faction worth faming and developing are Carth Onasi and T3M4, because they're pilots for the Ebon Hawk.

    Except that at one time each of them was a serious Meta team.

    JKR still has a home on many Skywalker GL teams.

    But DR? If I was starting a brand new acct today, I might seriously consider NOT going for DR/DM quickly

    They are no longer the meta & as noted, don't do much of anything in the game other than being a solid DS team.

    BUT, if your filled up with LOTS of other solid DS teams on your way to 3 DS GLs, Executor, Wat Tambor, GAS, Chewie, & Falcon.

    Do you really need DR/DM at that point?

    My thought is no.

    The Gear/Relics I put on those characters delayed starting my GL farms.
    I could have 2 GLs now instead of 1 + Malak.

    I certainly don't hate my DR team at all, but, I wouldn't suggest it as a major priority for a new player just starting out today.
  • 1. I never said DR/DM isn't good, I'm saying, that there are other DS teams you can do that open up other things. For example.
    Droids = TB Missions & Assault Battle & GC's & a great TWar team in their own right.
    BH = Falcon, Chewie, Executor, GL-Kenobi
    (I don't even like BH that much but its hard to ignore what 6 of them open up)

    As I said above, I "might" not do DR/DM if I was starting over from scratch today. Not sure either way.
    I can say that short of PVP fights that they didn't really do much for me for PVE.

    2. By the time you do the Troopers team & a Vader/Palp/Thrawn/Tarkin/Dooku team, your basically 3/4 of the way to SEE. So not saying to go for SEE or not, just that, if your doing both an Empire & Troopers team then you might as well get the last couple toons.

    3. I completely agree that a LS GL is important, but, I'm also not sure that having a LS GL on a 3 mil account that can ONLY contribute that 1 LS GL is going to get the attention of too many guilds pushing hard at LS Geo.

    4. Outside of obvious early teams like Phoenix & Jedi, to me, the 3 core teams right now for use in either TB or for solid results in C-Pit would be Shaak/501, Padme/GR, & Geos.
    If your packing Relic 5+ on the 2 LS teams & at least G12 (Relic-Alpha) then your getting shards for your guild & your able to 4/4 some of the missions in TB & have 2 teams that can put out some of the best NON-GL damage in C-PIT.
    And the great thing about all 3 is they are all FTP friendly double shard dropping farms & the DS team gets you the leader of one of the LS teams.

  • Having a focused roster just really means you’re really putting a good majority of time and resources to a particular team or character. Like if you’re going hard for GAS you’ll have some other easily acquired legendaries but the bulk of your geared up characters are GAS’ requirements. Or if you really like Bounty Hunters chances are your bounty hunters are the best geared units in your roster.

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