Forum Discussion

DarinM1967's avatar
2 years ago

What does this toggle for?

Hey everybody,

In the battle window to the immediate right of the Settings icon (big gear), there is a toggle button. It looks someting like this . I can click on it, it highlights green, but nothing I'm aware of happens. It doesn't seem to have a purpose as far as I can tell, but I haven't played this game in over 6 years so it might be something I'm not aware of. Any info or a link that tells me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance and have a good weekend and New Year!

Ally Code: 116-499-314
  • "DarinM1967;c-2398848" wrote:
    I stumbled upon it's name in the Settings window and it's called "Battle Effects", so I can the same battle with it toggled on and off and nothing changed. They were both ran "Auto" which it did all through out the 3 Battle screens. Thought it might be used to toggle the buffs and debuffs icon, but they stayed visible with it toggled off, so have no idea what "Battle Effects" it was referring too.

    It condenses the buffs/debuffs/effect icons and only shows you a max of about 3 per unit.

    With it off, every effect on a unit will all show at once and can overlap if they have a lot of different effects at the same time.

    It has nothing to do with the "Auto" function.
  • From left to right


    So what you are describing is putting the battle into auto mode. An AI will control your team. There's an option where you can auto battle and the AI will only use 'basic' attacks too.
  • I stumbled upon it's name in the Settings window and it's called "Battle Effects", so I can the same battle with it toggled on and off and nothing changed. They were both ran "Auto" which it did all through out the 3 Battle screens. Thought it might be used to toggle the buffs and debuffs icon, but they stayed visible with it toggled off, so have no idea what "Battle Effects" it was referring too.
  • Ahhhh OK ok ok. I understand now,! Sorry I gave you bad information. Basically they added that because screens were becoming too busy. So if toggled on it'll show only the 3 most important buffs. However, what are the 3 most important? Seems dangerous to me. Obviously I don't use it and... totally forgot it existed.
  • Okay. Thanks for letting me know. Have a good weekend and Happy New Year!!!