Forum Discussion

mr_posh_trueone's avatar
8 years ago

What should I prioritize?


So I'm working on my rancorn team:
Teebo, Phasma, Jyn, QGJ, TFP
Not sure if this team will be good or not anyway after I finish it (7* and minimum gear 8) I would like to start preperation for AAT raids.

I think that 1st I will finish Jedi team as my the strongest heroes are anyway Jedi then I'm not sure what. I can work on rebels a bit to get Emperor to 7 stars and then start working on chripa, emperor and 3 tanks squad for phase 3. So I will have team for phase 1 and phase 3.
Also I have unlocked all javas (curently gear 8 and all are 4* to 6*) and I'm not sure if they can be good in a phase 2? should I go for them? For phase 4 I think I could use rebels that I need anyway to unlock palpatine?

I know it is a really long term plan.

Bellow is my collection if you can spend some time and help me I would be very thankful


2 Replies

  • Jawas are good as separated pieces implemented into various lineups (as opposed to what we initially thought). For instance, Scavenger is good in P1 Retribution team or P2 Clones. Dathcha goes well with Clones for P2 as well. Chief Nebit is suitable for Droids in P2. The least utility provides Jawa but even he can be used in a Dodge-led team. I run Old Ben (L) Ugnaught Jawa R2/Daka and Han Solo, something like that. It gets you 100-200k damage in P3.

    I would build on Rebels (if you haven't already) to have them ready for P4. Then head after Dark Side toons.
  • So if whole java team is weak what is easy to farm (not clones) for phase 2 if i want use rebels in phase 4? In normal raid it dosent metter but if i go for heroic well would be nice if i could do something in each phase.

    Thanks for you anwsere