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- Yeah, @BMoney is giving you the clear answer, because that's what the devs want you to spend on and farm. HOWEVER, we've had a recent touch-up of Separatists, and it's hard to say now which of them would work in the Padme event (since we've never had the chance to use them as they are now in the Padme event). On the good side, your roster is so empty that basically all Separatists are on an equal playing field for you (it's going to be a slog no matter who you go with).
My purely subjective opinion, having had no opportunity to do the 7* Padme event with the newly reworked characters, is that you should farm zGG(L), zB2, zB1, zDooku, and then either try your G12 Ventress or if you're feeling masochistic, go for Nute. I can guarantee you good results with those Separatist droids specifically, and I can tell you that Magnaguard is not a game-changer. But Dooku plays well with Sith as well as Separatists, so he's worth getting (more so than, say, Poggle the Lesser). The Genosians with ships might be worth the trouble if you're committed to using their ships in your arena fleet, but if you're not, they're pretty lousy characters in and of themselves.
I've recently been having fun (e.g., TW/TB, not arena) using zDooku(L) with Nute and Talzin (I see you have her 7*, if not supergeared yet), because Dooku's lead causes people to inflict Tenacity Down and Healing Immunity on themselves when they drop below 100% health... think of all the horror with Talzin's plague on everything! Anyone who inflicts status effects, in fact, would work well under his lead (again, for fun. I don't think it's arena viable. But you might surprise someone in GA or TW/TB).
Sorry for going on and on, but I've been working on my Separatists and thinking about this stuff as well at the moment. Hope it gave you something to think about! =)
SamuraiUX - I did it with the first 5 in the pic down below in 2-3 hours. It would've been much easier with GG.
You don't need droideka, b1 or magnaguad. If I can do it without any of them... it should be fairly easy with the reworks too.
You can easily do it with just asaji, b2, gg, dooku and sun fac or geo spy. If you happen to have magnaguard equally geared up. You might as well use him over sun fac/ geo spy. Unless they happen to rework the geos and I'm willing to bet that rework will happen before Padme comes back around.
With the new TB being all about the geos. We're bound to get a rework. - I will try gg, b2, droideka,Nute, assajj next time. Nute’s dzeta is great for this team
- Whoever you use, try to avoid using b1, dooku, sun fac, geosol, dooku and droideka (if zetad).
They all have out of turn attacks which will grant the enemy they hit 50% health as indispellable not removable protection up that may prevent all debuffs from landing. - Is it realistic to think I can 7 star Grievous from fleet alone (currently 131 shards, not activated) - no shard store - by the time Padme returns?
There seems to be no consensus on what to get for this except B2. Also there's conflicting advice on Dooku and Sun Fac. Some people are recommending them, but Woodroward is saying avoid them (btw you said Dooku twice). - Dooku deals damage directly to HP with riposte and he can stun up to two enemies with force lighting.
"Letareus;c-1868947" wrote:
Is it realistic to think I can 7 star Grievous from fleet alone (currently 131 shards, not activated) - no shard store?
Of course. The real question is how long you are prepared to farm for.- I was thinking of going GG lead, b2, droideka, assajj, and Sun fac/dooku/soldier.
From what I've heard b1 is actually a detriment to the event. My GG is like 4 star g1. It's going to be like third or fourth go around for me to get padme 7*. "Rath_Tarr;c-1869009" wrote:
"Letareus;c-1868947" wrote:
Is it realistic to think I can 7 star Grievous from fleet alone (currently 131 shards, not activated) - no shard store?
Of course. The real question is how long you are prepared to farm for.
I meant whether I can get him in time for the next time Padme comes back. I wanted to edit my post immediately to reflect that but if you do that on this forum, your post gets deleted (then reappears like 5-10 hours later)."Letareus;c-1868947" wrote:
Is it realistic to think I can 7 star Grievous from fleet alone (currently 131 shards, not activated) - no shard store - by the time Padme returns?
There seems to be no consensus on what to get for this except B2. Also there's conflicting advice on Dooku and Sun Fac. Some people are recommending them, but Woodroward is saying avoid them (btw you said Dooku twice).
I would say Dooku and SF aren't particularly detrimental, especially since you need to be killing Padme as fast as possible anyway, and it's her unique that's the problem. SF is also very useful with his buff dispel on basic. B1, I think, would cause more problems, as it seems like it'd be tough to kill Padme with an assist on every attack.
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