3 years ago
What to farm
Lvl 65 and just got all phoenix to 7*
My empire team is all g7 and 5* (Starck is 4*)
I have no clue what to start farming. After reading I saw that people suggested:
-First Order
-Commander Luke
I have nothing farmed for the ones above, except for Geos (for ships). All 4*, g7 except poggle which isn't geared since he doesn't have a ship.
I really have no clue and I am open to any suggestion on what to begin farming lmao. Thanks
My empire team is all g7 and 5* (Starck is 4*)
I have no clue what to start farming. After reading I saw that people suggested:
-First Order
-Commander Luke
I have nothing farmed for the ones above, except for Geos (for ships). All 4*, g7 except poggle which isn't geared since he doesn't have a ship.
I really have no clue and I am open to any suggestion on what to begin farming lmao. Thanks