Forum Discussion

Zephon_s774's avatar
9 years ago

What toon do you use to chop down protection?

Do you use any specific toon just to knock down protection?

Or do you just hammer away and treat it as an extension of health?

In today's GW I found myself using high damage toons to wipe out protection then using moderate damage toons like 5s to slowly go through health. When everyone is without protection, the high damage toons will follow through with the kill.
  • Zephon - I've been doing the same thing. I have a new thought on "suicide" squads in that they are all of my lower AoE characters - Boba, Snowtrooper, Magma, Clone Sergeant and other bomb throwers. It softens up the protection and lets the opponent blow off their AoE and specials. Then I bring in a tuned squad.
  • Vader is great for this with the multiple damage over time effects from force crush. It wears down the other group's protection pretty efficiently. He is great against teams using RG... Ideally you keep your first target just above half health before Vader's second turn and then finish them with culling blade. No taunt triggers and you can proceed from there.

    I use an empire team (Tarkin (L), Vader, RG, Magmatrooper and Tusken shaman) and they can go through most if not all of GW with little issue even after my team's protection has been depleted.
  • I run with ig-88 as leader on my GW squad along with JC, barriss, phasma and RP. Those two aoes are highly useful for getting rid of all protection. Actually, 88 can do it by himself a lot of the time but if phasma can land some speed downs first then it jumps 88 aoe damage up drastically.