5 years ago
Which team to use?
I’m going to get Vader’s merciless massacre zeta today and I was wondering if it would be better for me to switch over to my Sith team in arena (zzpalp r3, zzvader r3, zdooku g12, zsidious g12, maul g11) or continue running Jedi (zzzJKR g12+3, zGMY r1, bast g12, Jolee g12, 6* zGK g12+5).
Yes I know the Sith aren’t the best Sith I could hav chosen, I upgraded them before I really understood the game at all. Here’s my profile: https://swgoh.gg/p/396742662/
Thanks in advance!
Yes I know the Sith aren’t the best Sith I could hav chosen, I upgraded them before I really understood the game at all. Here’s my profile: https://swgoh.gg/p/396742662/
Thanks in advance!