Forum Discussion

DemonLepBro's avatar
8 years ago

Who to farm for Galactic War Shipments?

I'm level 68 and I've finished farming Teebo for raids and I've also maxed Biggs, and I don't know who to farm next. I'm debating between the following characters:

Cad Bane: I have a bit of a lackluster on scoundrels, currently only have chewie(who I'm not farming), Boba(again, not farming), Greedo(Farming) and Lando(Farming), so I have trouble facing higher levels of scoundrel events

Dathcha: Simply for AAT raid and critical damage mod challenge for my rebel team

Ships: Where I am thinking I want to go, my guild mate says it will be good to get some zetas and for possible future raids, and it's better to start now and be prepared than to start when I'm level 85

Note: I haven't put a few characters on this list for seperate reason e.g. no Lumi because I don't care for Yoda and always complete GW

Thanks in advance :)

26 Replies

  • Honestly no when you get up there you start to need multiple squads with different strategies to make it through I'm glad I invested in Jedis when I started and as I got more serious developed a good rebel team for arena. Like for example where I'm at sometimes from a sliver to purple node I'll have no choice but to use Akbars debuff heal on like a Bobba Vader team but on the purple there will be a stacked Palpatine team with Wiggs/Vaderd and RG so it's nice to have back ups
  • "Thrawn03;873864" wrote:
    Dude Just get Fives.

    Uhmmm... I have Fives and also he's in cantina battle shipments :lol:
  • Ships. Getting to #1 in your shard means 1800 fleet tokens which means: 3 purple ability mats, good tier 8-11 mods or the occasional Vader shard
  • There is plenty to farm from GW store.

    1) Phasma, a great leader - should become important this year as someone pointed out.
    2) Lumi, a nice well rounded toon, a healer. She will bail you out in GW often or early in game. While she may lose appeal late in the game, she is much better than other toons.
    3) Cad Bane, unless you already have mastered the top tier for the credit heist.
    4) Datcha, you will need this jawa to harvest crit. dmg mods. Also, AAT raid.
    5) Resistance Pilot. Ships + upcoming revamp (new movie First Order/Resistance toons.)
    6) Ship Blueprints (depends which, but save some currency for your when the ships you are working on pops in the store)
    7) All the rest, except a couple of useless toons (which EA may make meta in a future rework)

    It is all about your priorities (what are your short term goals?). Those priorities are dictated by where you are in the game, and where you want to be next, and how fat is your wallet. All that may guide your choices in GW store and elsewhere.

  • "Mixar;875037" wrote:
    "SkyeLeonne;874474" wrote:
    Which ships should I farm for? please reccomend :)
    I don't really have anyone from my main team (nightsisters and ewoks) who crew a ship. only Rey, but Millenium Falcon....

    I think the real question is why are NS&Ewoks your main team

    @SkyeLeonne This ^ :lol: