Forum Discussion

psiegu's avatar
2 years ago

Who to relic from core 8

I’m following APgains guide, getting core 8 teams and going for GAS, what characters should I relic, currently I’ve got Darth Vader and JKA reliced, I’m struggling to decide who to relic JKR, CLS, GK, Bossk?, which characters from the core 8 benefit most from relics?
Here is my current characters although I’m now working on DR
  • First, you may want to relic characters which you need to relic for current or long-term farming goals. It's not the question "who benefits most" but instead "which hard requirements I need to meet". Of course, if you need to relic several characters then most useful should come first (i.e. for JMK you may want R7 Grievous first and clones last).

    Second, you may want to relic characters (or teams) which will help you to complete different game activities (Conquest, assault battles, challenges, TB, etc). Ideally it shouldn't contradict the previous rule.

    Looking at the current roster I'd say that GK may be the first goal to make Padme team fully operational.
  • It's hard not to recommend going for the Executor requirements, while still trying to build out your teams for GAC. Having Executor is going to go a long way to securing crystals for GL farming from both fleet arena and grand arena.
  • "TWrex;c-2427174" wrote:
    Looking at your roster, GK & Bossk would be my next Relic targets. I would lean towards Bossk first as you currently have his ship and it is super flexible, slotting into multiple fleets at lower levels. At R5 he will carry your BH until you beef them up. Then GK at R5 to get Padme up and running as a solid defensive GAC team.

    After that, I would probably start looking seriously at the CLS team - Chewbacca, Han, and CLS to R3.

    Finally, don't sleep on oSavage. I know he is not technically Core 8 but he will do wonders for you in GAC. And he can help the Traya team you have pieces of.

    Thanks mate, solid advice I think I will relic Boosk and GK, then maybe JKR, especially if I struggle to unlock malek

    Yeah I was thinking of Savage being my next omicron and putting him on a Traya team