Forum Discussion

Jebbstar1201's avatar
2 years ago

Why isn't this feat unlocked?

The feat says if a duelist is defeated, the opposing duelist is granted "victor". I have beaten all 5 duelists and gained victor on all my characters, yet, I have not recieved the feat rewards. My proof I have beaten all 5 is my 3 stars on the battle, which is only granted if all your team survives the battle. Does anyone know why I dont have the rewards or is this just a bug?

7 Replies

  • "DarjeloSalas;c-2435440" wrote:
    What lineup did you use?

    Edit: and what Disks?

    The most likely scenario is that one of the enemy team died due to thermals / DoTs. When this happens, your unit is not credited with the “kill”.

    I do think someone died with DoTs but reading the whole feat discription I read nowhere about the opponent needs to be killed the enemy by damaging them, just the enemy needs to be defeated and the opponent gains victor
  • "Jebbstar1201;c-2435443" wrote:
    "DarjeloSalas;c-2435440" wrote:
    What lineup did you use?

    Edit: and what Disks?

    The most likely scenario is that one of the enemy team died due to thermals / DoTs. When this happens, your unit is not credited with the “kill”.

    I do think someone died with DoTs but reading the whole feat discription I read nowhere about the opponent needs to be killed the enemy by damaging them, just the enemy needs to be defeated and the opponent gains victor

    "Needs to be defeated" are the magical words here. Technically they are not defeated by dots because it counts as them killing themselves...
  • I really wish CG would change that - it just makes things unnecessarily tedious. Making certain disks "bad" in certain situations may net them a few more disk swaps but the cost is higher than an energy refresh in terms of player experience.

    The preferable alternative would be to just remove disk swapping costs (and ideally improve the disk interface) - it doesn't make me want to spend an extra $20 on the pass+ - it just encourages me to swap disks as little as possible, which makes the game mode less fun. Remove the fun blockers - charge for extra rewards. I enjoy finding disk combinations that work well with certain teams for a certain purpose - that's very much part of the fun - but I get penalized for that with the energy cost of swapping disks. That's just no bueno - and honestly, unnecessary. I'm going to spend crystals on energy refreshes regardless - there's plenty of motivation to do so.

    I say this as someone that generally enjoys conquest - but I could definitely enjoy it more with a few small tweaks. I really do get why people don't like conquest - I think that's sad because it really is a fun game mode - I think a lot of the reasons are avoidable.
  • Discs are easy to manage. Discs are not the issue in conquest and especially with feats. That is user error.
  • "LordDirt;c-2435482" wrote:
    Discs are easy to manage. Discs are not the issue in conquest and especially with feats. That is user error.

    I don't think they're difficult to manage - I think they're tedious to manage and the swap cost discourages swaps, which makes the game mode less fun. YMMV, I guess?

    Where feats are concerned though, and in particular this boss feat (and also all of the 'Kill X with Y' feats), dot and thermal disks make those feats more difficult. That's not a skill issue or an error on the users part - that's a design choice that degrades the user experience. It's not written anywhere that dots and thermals don't credit kills to the player - you'd have to come here to the forums or reddit to know that, or worse - figure it out through trail and error. OP now knows that those disks will make the feat more difficult - I doubt they'll make the same mistake again. No amount of skill is going to save you from having to learn that - you just have to know it, and there's no where in the game that you can come by that information explicitly.

    Don't get me wrong - I'm a fan of conquest. But this particular interaction and the penalty for swapping disks objectively makes the experience less fun and less player friendly. We have all learned how to work around it, but that doesn't mean it couldn't be made better.
  • Miketo28's avatar
    Rising Hotshot
    2 years ago
    I had the same thing happen. One of the opponent's dieing from dots, makes sense. Thanks for the clarification on this.

    Data discs are not easy to manage. I know which data disc I want, but have to load about five or six before I find it. Why can't we peruse our stash of data discs by name rather than symbols?
  • Again, this is only an issue with Reva. You can kill everyone but the main boss with dots, thermals, etc. Main boss, Reva here, Starkiller when they first made this feat, has to die from your toon and not dots.