Forum Discussion

InstantDoneWith's avatar
7 years ago

Wicked Turnnmeter Manipulation (FirstOrder Thrawn Combo)

A fruitful day to all & thanks for viewing.
Today we talk about the FirstOrder ( the meta team few are curious about) & Thrawn (swgoh's favorite handyman) hybrid team. I must say kudos to support for providing this faction for ftp players to challenge the all metas ( Yes my friend tops his arena with a strictly FirstOrder team).
Lets get started. First of all what is Turnmeter Manipulation? It is simply the act of controlling the turnmeter gain of the battle (this decides many victories in arena). How can i manipulate Turnmeter? Simple increases your speed and have versatile toons that remove, give or gain Turnmeter. An example of such a team is below;

KRU lead (all zetas), Zylo , Thrawn (unique zeta), Firstorder Officer & Special forces tie fighter pilot.

How does this team have wicked turnmeter manipulation?

1. When Thrawn fractures a toon he removes 50%turnmeter & dispels buffs on them inflicting fracture which ultimately slows the target down. It also slows thrawn down by 50%.

2. Firstorder Officer can grant a teammate 100% Turnnmeter with tenacity up & advantage for 2 turns offense up is also added if its a FirstOrder ally using marching orders. After Thrawn fractures in first order officers next turn grant thrawn 100% Turnnmeter this snaps thrawn out of fracture mode grants him tenacity up & advantage (advantage means he will benefit from Zylos turnmeter boost)

3. Thrawn immediately grants the 100% turnmeter back to FirstOrder Officer using grand admirals command also restoring 40% of FirstOrder Officer's protection

4. Now Firstorder Officer is ready to use his 2nd special Pinning shot to remove another 50%Turnmeter granting 15%Turnmeter to the team & reducing FirstOrder allies Cooldowns by 1.

5. Zylo will use his lash out special to grant the whole team 25%turnmeter including thrawn because he still has advantage & thrawn is ready to fracture again.

6. Repeat

Comments & Criticism Are Welcome

  • "Roopehun;c-1535354" wrote:
    Not bad - if both your thrawn and foo and zylo is faster than the whole enemy team...

    Pinning shot will give the team 15%turnnmeter so zylo can be a bit slower thrawn on the other hand has to be mad fast
  • With every new toon they add to the game the possibility of unintentend loops like this one grows. It's almost impossible to test every possible toon combination within reasonable time. With the amount of toons we have we are talking about millions of combination for toons/abilities already.

    That means we will see a lot more nerfs as longer the game exists.
  • Seems like the waste of a fracture, which is a great skill to keep control on your side of the battle field.

    I would almost think thrawn grant 100% TM to FOO first then grant team 100% TM and fracture someone to keep it going longer.

    I'm not going to do the math but how crazy do your mods have to be to get thrawn faster than Vader? Is that possible?

    When posting ideas like this, it's also helpful to state the age of your friends shard. This is an important fact to some players who may want to build up to this or could possible implement it.
  • Another example is JTR under Old Ben lead a Team like Oldben lead, Wampa , JTR, Zolo & BB-8 or Fulcrum
  • "Kyno;c-1535542" wrote:
    Seems like the waste of a fracture, which is a great skill to keep control on your side of the battle field.

    I would almost think thrawn grant 100% TM to FOO first then grant team 100% TM and fracture someone to keep it going longer.

    I'm not going to do the math but how crazy do your mods have to be to get thrawn faster than Vader? Is that possible?

    When posting ideas like this, it's also helpful to state the age of your friends shard. This is an important fact to some players who may want to build up to this or could possible implement it.

    Yes its a waste of a fracture but you get 2 fractures in 2 Turns a troubsome tank that interrupts the battles frequently like baze i can fracture him twice in 2 turns. Thrawn can be faster than vader if the right conditions are met i dont depends majorly on the mods used & mods are a random thing. I like the other way to use thw combination though my main focus is turnmeter Manipulation most times Officer is faster than thrawn under KRU so it might be best to use pinnin shot first if you dont jave the luxury of waiting 1 turn to do the turnmeter exchnage move.