Forum Discussion

ZetaShooter88's avatar
8 years ago

wiggs, chaze and r2 how do I beat them

I currently run sith (zdn,dooku,ep,sass and sthtroop. I can't beat this chaze r2 combo. It's Killin me. Don't wanna get chaze and haven't even started but I'm stick of not being able to beat them. Is there a way? What's the key? Thrawn? Dt? Any suggestions?
  • I don't see how at 81 you can beat a max g11 85 wiggs chaze r2 team. They must not be max or have god mods.
  • They were all G11 lvl 85. I can say that. The R2 had 262 speed, so pretty godly. But what's important is my dooku goes before the triple shot.

    He stuns or shocks baze, it doesn't matter. Then their Chirrut cleanses but baze has HOT, not tenacity up. My Chirrut puts tenacity up on my team before r2 can stun/burn. My palpatine shocks baze, since Chirrut already used his cleanse, so now baze is useless. My DN increases cooldowns (RNG based since baze is the only one with a debuff).

    From there, I take the first chance I have to take out wedge. ST will keep my team alive until then. After wedge is out, baze will be low health from the shock inhibiting health regeneration. I take him out quick. Their Chirrut will cleanse again but it doesn't matter, annihilate is up. I try to annihilate either Chirrut or r2.

    Then it's 4v2 at the worst, and I win on auto.

    There is my exact strategy with my team
  • The wiggs chaze squad pretty much is just a counter to triple cleanse and nihilus squads. No real good way for them to get past. Kinda like what happend to zmaul with triple cleanse/rex lead resurfacing. Daze/CD drain/dispel own the wiggs chaze squad. So zader, nihilus, sa, Sith troop, zavage would beat them pretty easily.