Forum Discussion

noobiestrikesba's avatar
6 years ago

Winning malak mirror matches with slower mods

Has anyone figured out a pretty consistent way of winning these when you’re at a speed disadvantage?
  • Vaderizer's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    OP: How do I win when I'm at a speed disadvantage?

    People: LoL mAkE uR gUyZ fAsTeR
  • Yoda can work.

    Or have a Sith trooper to soak up the opposing DRevan opening attack, and put your fastest set on Bastilla so you can get CBM and all her debuffs out before them. That kind of levels the field a bit which makes the battle sort of 50/50 and RNG dependent. That's better than if all of their characters go before you. If you don't have any sets that can compete with theirs then you're sunk.

    The GG/T3 suicide squad is more consistent and less mod dependent to climb with if you are completely outgunned in the mod department.
  • "Jarvind;c-1941927" wrote:
    OP: How do I win when I'm at a speed disadvantage?

    People: LoL mAkE uR gUyZ fAsTeR

    You can manipulate who is fastest in your team in relation to theirs with lesser mods. That's valid advice. Most of the Marauder teams I face put their fastest set on Revan. If my Revan is faster I win 100% of the time. If their Revan is faster then I put my fastest set on Bastila even though their best set is better. Also Yoda has a higher base speed than Bastila, and you can shift your best set to him, and be faster despite having inferior mods. That's way different than, "just get faster." There is no strategy currently where speed is irrelevant. Even the GG team requires you to clock your turn order correctly.