6 years agoRising Novice
Would like some feedback on best shard farming strategies
I've been an active player for going on like 3 + years give or take. And while I do have a good supply of toons new and old up to 7 stars some of them were no easy task. While i know spending crystals on refreshes rather than shards from shipments is a much better payout, I've been trying to come up with a more efficient farming strategy that works with my limited crystal income. My shard farming tactic right now is shard farming in the morning before noon and using all remaining energy after 12pm for gear farming. I've been saving crystals for hard to farm gear and thought about other ways to increase my shard payout without blowing my crystal account. I thought that maybe saving any potential refreshes of hard modes until after 9pm so that whatever additional energy points spent could carry over into tomorrow's guild ticket accumulation. But what are some of your best strategies if there are any?