Forum Discussion

FenrirsFirstbor's avatar
6 years ago

Zeta choice

Had been saving zetas for JKR, but 4 days and 3 toons who are just edging 6*....not gonna happen.

But, I now have a zeta that I should start getting the value from, but who...?

CLS leadership? He has the other 2 already and is g12
Bossk unique? He's g12 but I have no Dengar so get no traction on 7* Chewie. But is this useful elsewhere?
R2 combat analysis? Number crunch is done.
Ezra or Hera? Ezra is in my zbas + GMY jedi squad mostly, but will be dropped when Jolee ready
Han? G8 currently

2 Replies

  • Imp troops are a little less useful with GEOTB out now. Would save it unless you wanna g12 the team as a NS counter. I've heard that they struggle against maxed NS, but haven't tested it myself.

    R2 is always a good choice, as is CLS's lead once you get the full team

    I wouldn't zeta any pheonix member unless I was just overflowing with zetas.

    I got Chewie without dengar. I didn't need the zeta on the unique, only the lead