Forum Discussion

YungLean31's avatar
5 years ago

Zeta Hoarding vs Spending

I’m a returning player and still working on unlocking JKR and DR as my primary focus. 3PO, GAS, Malak, and JTR are a ways away for me and not really on my radar at the moment. What I’m wondering is if I should keep saving zetas (at about 40 right now) for when I unlock the Revans, or should I be spending more to be more well rounded in parts of the game like TW, TB, GAC, etc. If I were to spend them now, CLS and Separatists would probably be a priority since those are the most built up and viable characters I have, outside of my Padme team. Just not sure what the best option is and which teams I should focus on gearing up the most.

Here’s my roster:

Any help is appreciated! Thanks!