6 years ago
Zetas for Wiggs/Chaze
Currently running Wiggs/Chaze + R2 and I'm really noticing the lack of Zeta upgrades available for this squad. Anyone else think there's a gap here? Don't see why potentially adding one or two in t...
"Baby_Yoda;c-2035858" wrote:"TheJEFFtm;c-2035855" wrote:
Both pairs are very dated kits, (although upon release, both those duos were the Meta for their time), it does seem unlikely that we would see any re-visit to the More recent Rogue One characters just due to it being a stand-alone movie - the design space is certainly there, as both Baze and Chirrut have two abilities currently maxed at 7, so perhaps if there is ever a game-wide rebalancing effort (which is unlikely, at least in my opinion, as power creep to encourage profits seems to very much be the established modus operandi these last 4 years) they could receive some attention.
A return pass to Original Trilogy content is more likely in my opinion, and since Both Biggs and Wedge were released before zetas were even introduced it is possible (although I find it more likely that it would predominantly focus on newly released characters as part of the long speculated ‘penultimate’ character in Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker from RotJ), but Wedge was at the Battle of Endor, so a kit touch up hitting his current level 7 leadership with a zeta (perhaps adding a protection recovery aspect?) could come to pass.
Biggs though, being anchored firmly in ep.IV territory, and needing a kit redesign (as all his current abilities are already level 8 omegas, so they either add an ability or re-tool an existing ones doesn’t seem as probable.
Not beyond the realm of possibility though, and his current kit is fairly solid as is, so with a stat boost as part of his rework, He could find a place on the table again (and there has always been some demand for a Legendary Event to give either Farmboy Luke or Commander Luke Red 5, so that could be an incentive for them to do it...)
TL/DR: outdated (and somewhat outlying) toons, except for R2, so very little incentive (monetarily) for the developers to do anything to them anytime soon...
Yeah they will go back to OT once the game is about to enter it's inevitable tombstone and release Jedi Luke and a Darth Vader that doesnt stink.SpoilerEvery game inevitably dies.
Unless memes resurrect it *cough* Minecraft *cough*