Forum Discussion

9bgjk0e6yhgq's avatar
Seasoned Novice
2 months ago

Jar Jar broken junk

They seriously need to do something and fix the stupid problems. You wait forever for the stupid event to come, tgen you can't even complete it because it bugged the hell out. tier 4 is such a joke. it's literally the same stupid thing every **bleep** time. end cut scene and darth maul whips his sabar and instantly taking out Jar Jar, instant defeat. spend every day multiple times, only for the same thing to happen. 

And as I've seen and read others talking about the same problem, and stemming from previous events, and people already made tickets on it, and yet this long away, and they clearly have neglected to listen to their player base, because people are still having the same issue. 

it's beginning to look a bit obvious that they are regulating people from even getting to complete these stupid op events. spend the time and everything that you earn, building up tgese toons, only to get completely screwed come tge long waited events. 

it's no wonder that they have been losing players, never fixing anything while finding ways to force people to pay, and now regulating rewards and completion of many events like galactic challenges, no more complete, but adds 2 pay your way to complete, remove the ability to earn extra shards from events, posts earn things and shards from events that had already gone by and come back with no other tiers available. 

after 9 years, this game has become such a disappointment.. greed, money hungry and greed. regulating their longest players who have been f2p, constantly bogus matchmaking in against people who clearly dumped money into the latest toons, and don't even have the majority of the original toons even leveled up or 7 star, but r8 and r9 newest op toons, and nearly match or over, my own gp.. territory wars is literally the same thing, both with tons of maxed out datacrons. my guild is a majority of f2p players, and we are always put against such op p2w guilds. they should be matching what toons people have as well as things like datacrons. matchmaking is absolutely horrible, because if it isn't, it's 100% rigged by them, because it's been the same way for far too long and people have been complaining about their matchmaking for several years already, and it's only gotten worse.. 

they either need to address these issues and fix them, and stop screwing their player base, or they are going to lose even more people, and keep pushing those who will pay, to pay even more until they leave too. this game will not survive like say a cod series game, if everyone keeps getting screwed over and over again.. it used to be fun, but now you spend a few days trying to complete things, especially the latest guild raid, 80+ times to try to reach your previous high scores, even after upgrading mods and relics, only to get much lower scores. forcing people to spend more time on their game because of how many people they've lost already, and trying to compensate for the amount of overall time total spent on the game. got to keep those numbers up. making up the time and money they've lost from so many people leaving already. these things have become quite obvious. 

we don't want to have to dump the game, but their lack of listening to their player base and restricting everything, and forcing to pay, which had they made the passes available to purchase with crystals, so people could earn enough to purchase it, that'd been one thing, but what they did was doing everyone dirty.. they have really upset a lot of long time players. so many reviews, videos, social media, and articles speaks volumes. it certainly seemed to damage the image of the game altogether, and that's really a shame..


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