Ship/Toon Colors still 'greywashing' on selection screen with HDR on
When I go to a Character or Fleet Selection screen (like the current galactic challenge) the colors of the toons/ships greywash out. It's not really that noticeable on the characters but it's REALLY noticeable with the ships- see attached pic. When you go to the fleet selection screen you can see the colors for like a split second after the screen comes up but it washes out after. I poked around here and saw a post about it from the beta client and the determined cause was from Windows 11 HDR, which I can confirm is correct because this bug is STILL HAPPENING. So is there some fix for this that I'm unaware of (beyond turning off HDR which I don't want to do because it works in all my other games)? It's not really a huge deal; it's not breaking the game or anything, i just figured I'd ask.58Views1like4CommentsAnyone know why the GL currency is locked in the shard shop
I know the most likely answer is its either a bug or its related to the release of GL Ahsoka but if its the latter then why lock the dark side currency too? Surely even CG isnt malicious enough to stop everyone else grinding for other GLs just because a new one released90Views0likes2CommentsOk CG about the Bo (Mando) and Grand Inq events.
I have only one question. Where's my Omicrons? First I got no Omis after finishing Gand Inq. Now the same with Bo (Mando). Zero omis. Give me my Omicrons from those two events!! I remeber that Starkiller event gave me omis. But not those two. AC: 57419831946Views0likes3CommentsMissing Titles from completing Ahsoka Tano Journey Requirements
I have unlocked GL Ahsoka and am currently working on her Ultimate. But, that's not my issue. My issue is that I seem to have not earned/unlocked any of the Titles that you're supposed to earn along the way. I wouldn't normally care, as they're just titles, but I really wanted to use the "I am no Jedi" title, so noticed because I was waiting for that one to unlock.71Views1like4CommentsLeviathan - still no shards
Hi Support. I opened my account this morning and the Leviathan Event is over but I did not receicve my 50 shards until now. As you know there is a bug and the shard pack for 1250 crystals did not show up the whole day. Many people reported this error. Can you please tell me when I will get the missing 50 shards for Leviathan? Will it be now or maybe during the day? Thank you.51Views1like1CommentGame freezing while discord streaming
Bluetooth Streaming Crash Noticed an issue that started roughly 2-3 months ago. If I am streaming in discord with a Bluetooth headset enabled, it will crash or freeze up the game in certain game modes. Noticed it in TB zones and GAC. I am able to replicate this 100% of the time. It seems to be very specific to Bluetooth enabled and specific game modes while streaming as it does not happen outside of screen sharing. Happening on both iPhone 14 Pro and iPad, iOS18.0.1 and using discord to share the screen. Attached a link to show what is happening. Ally code is 867367149. On a side note, some with Android are having problems streaming as it shuts off their mic, this started around the same time. Not the same issue but possibly related.417Views0likes9CommentsMissing Mod
Allycode: 972-146-854 This happened on the PC Client, not the phone client. I was remodding my characters today and moved a diamond health mod with 25 speed from GL Ahsoka Tano to Boss Nass and I moved the health mod that was assigned to Boss Nass to GL Ahsoka Tano, I went to save my loadout and the diamond health mod with 25 speed I moved from Ahsoka to Boss Nass is missing. It's not in my unassigned inventory and all of the loadouts I saved show 1 mod is missing. I then logged into the mobile version of SWGOH and it's just not there. It is as if it disappeared. I absolutely did not sell it as it was locked since those mods can be rare and I definitely confirmed the assignment of the mod to Boss Nass. Equipped and locked mods cannot be sold. I also tried uninstalling/reinstalling the game and the mod is just not there. Are you able to assist in restoring the mod for me? I'll have to equip another mod to the character in the meantime since the lock for Territory Wars and Grand Arena are coming up soon. I reached out to EA Help and Ruhi was very nice and restored the mods I sold today, and even the mods I sold from the past few days, however as I suspected this mod did not reappear since I did not sell it. It's like there is a visual bug, or the mod is somehow hidden, since the mod was not sold and is no longer able to be seen in game. This is much more concerning now. EA Help keeps closing out my session without a true resolution or path forward to a resolution. They just keep reiterating that they've restored my sold mods and that is not the issue. Edited to add that I did find this post after creating this thread, which appears to be a similar issue to mine: I did run an account rating (counts mod totals) via a bot on 12/27 and again today, 12/29. My count of 25+ speed mods dropped by 1 and none that are 25+ speed are *visibly* unequipped.396Views0likes6Comments