Forum Discussion

Re: Gl REY TIER6 impossible

Hi @xShadow_Niki,

Despite the win rate being slightly lower than before the Kylo Ren changes, the win rate is still pretty high, so, therefore, the mission is beatable.

7 Replies

  • mcmahon2017's avatar
    5 years ago

    The rate is ‘pretty high’. Not true from my experience and others in my shards. This tier has become unfair for those attempting after Kylo’s buff. For mine, it’s just another money grabber. Reduce the number of tokens needed, take Kylo’s buff back or make Rey stronger. The new changes to Kylo have now wrecked Kylo counters in arena - unless of course you have ultimate. Meaning the difficulty of tier 6 is even more important to get right. Please do something!!!

  • GladOS-013's avatar
    5 years ago
    @mcmahon2017 Your individual success rate may not represent the overall success rate.

    I imagine that EA employees can run a server check and see the total win % across all attempts, and they said it’s “pretty high.” You call that ”not true.” On what data source do you base your claim?
  • a2dajae's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    5 years ago

    What strat are you using?  I was able to beat it prior to the buff, but I have done a lot of testing post SLKR buff and can still consistently beat it.

    Make sure Rey has a minimum speed of 501.  Any lower, and the raiders will go before you and possibly one shot someone.
    What's your roster?  Make sure you have someone who can heal.  That's been RH Finn for me.  Depending on my team, I might use Lifeblood on him.
    I used Rey, BB8, RH Finn, and RH Poe and all of my variations.  When unlocking, I only used C3PO as the last slot.  But my post SLKR buff testing has used RJT and Holdo in that last position too.  If I use RJT, I use Lifeblood on her and the event special to make her taunt.
    My strat has always been to focus down SLKR before taking out the adds.  I know some people swear by using WW on the adds when available, but I didn't find it necessary.  It worked both ways for me.

  • @a2dajae Thanks for the reply. I have won 3 now out of 11 since the buff. My Rey is 532 speed and I use RH Poe, RH Finn, JTR and BB8. I nearly always get Kylo into the red but when I lose - he just takes out either Rey first or the RH brothers ... not sure how to use RH bros 2nd and 3rd abilities. Lost first couple after buff using JTRs 3rd ability - obviously not using that anymore. So it’s not impossible but losing so many tokens hurts!
  • a2dajae's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    5 years ago

    My typical turn order with that line up is:

    Rey: Lifeblood on Finn (then alternate between RJT and Finn as needed to keep both alive).

    BB8: apply mission special on RJT then CDT (depending on when RJT goes).

    RJT: Call BB8 with Defiant Slash for assist or apply mission special based on what BB8 did. (use DS whenever it's up to apply healing immunity)
    Finn Strength of Will on Poe
    Poe: Blaster Bravado on RJT (if he's stunned do it next time)

    BB8: CDT
    Finn: Rallying Call

    After this, I apply Poe's Optic Onslaught on whoever needs Inspiration.
    Sometimes if Poe only has his basic, I'll apply the mission special to RJT with him.
    As you already know, don't use RJT's Mind Control.
    Use Rey's Basic after WW if something else doesn't heal her.

    My speeds are such that my TO is Rey, BB8, RJT, FInn, Poe.  RJT is technically slower but goes after BB8.

  • Natalia_kt's avatar
    5 years ago

    I used Rey, JTR, Bb8, Heroes Finn and Poe. 

    Lifeblood on Finn. All attacks on Kylo, use WW on raiders. Don't use Finn aoe if both raiders are alive. JTR prevents healing of SLKR. So you can kill him pretty quickly. 

    However, I always say that SLKR's buff was very unfair to Rey owners. That buff should work against GAS's undersized team but in fact people who spent resources on Rey have problems beating SLKR. 

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