luckey2themaxx hschurr julielndholm I'd like a bit more info from you as well if you're still seeing this issue. Open C:\Windows\system32 , double-click vulkaninfo.exe (it's fine if the .exe is missing; it's the same file), and let it run. When it's done, or seems to be, click anywhere in the window, click ctrl-A to highlight the text, and click ctrl-C to Copy.
Open Notepad and ctrl-V to paste, then save the file to your desktop. Call it vulkaninfo [your username] , upload it to a third-party filesharing site (Google Drive is fine, but make sure anyone with the link can read it), and send me the link via private message. I'll take a look and also pass it on to any EA people who might want to investigate further, but I won't share it with anyone else.