Mods to help your game not explode. :D
Nosimloaded. This mod was made by Bo and is on Leefish, so no links allowed. Just google no sim loaded and it will pop up.
Also by Bo, no trash memories and no met self memories. (Bo has a lot of great mods!)
creaturefixes if you like to play with supernaturals
Just be careful of some of Pescado's mods you may find. He tends to add things to them to change the game and doesn't tell you. :/ The ones linked above are safe.
Other awesome mod sites.
College adjuster is awesome if you want to be more in control of the time your sims spend at college. Link to Simbology above by TwoJeffs.
Chris Hatch also has a ton of great mods, including one to allow you to put clothing on the baby. :) And a wide screen fix for monitors for CAS. There is a listing with all his family friendly (no adult mods) mods.
Basically anything that looks good for your type of gameplay. Not everyone likes the same mods. If you are looking for something specific, let us know. :)