Forum Discussion

TheLoveliestBug's avatar
7 years ago

Help! Can't change Sims 2 screen size + GraphicRules.sgr to edit

Heya. I am so confused right now. I am currently saving My Sims 2 into my D drive and I've loaded the game up but I can not change the screen size or find the file or even the pathway to Sims 2 pets *data ect) to edit GraphicRules.sgr it's just not there. I'm wondering what can I do? I am desperate to play since I haven't for a very long time. I'm at a huge loss. Currently re-downloading the game again to see if that helps. Am I doing something wrong?

  • Hiya! No you are not doing anything wrong. The files need to be altered to work on newer hardware. You can check out my post here to get the file path you need, along with a site linked to help you know which things to edit. You will also need to edit the video card files, instructions for that are also there. :)