Forum Discussion

GothicSimmer's avatar
7 years ago

It seems The Sims 2 UC requires Origin sign-in as of 2018

If you had played The Sims 4, The Sims 3, or other EA game, you may have encountered a game that starts up Origin (I call these games, Origin sign-in games). It seems The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection now includes the Origin sign-in requirement as I tried starting the game and Origin launched. Previously, it didn't launch Origin and simply ran the game.

What EA doesn't tell you is that older games may be changed to require Origin sign-in as this happened with The Sims 3 and The Sims Medieval, both didn't have Origin sign-in requirements but now they do. Sadly Origin doesn't have a way to telling if a game requires Origin sign-in or not. In my example, Mass Effect and Dead Space required Origin sign-in but Dragon Age: Origins didn't.

On the plus side, SecuROM is removed so there will not be any activation limits but now you have to deal with Origin starting up which can increase the start up time if Origin isn't running especially on hard drive and/or older computers. You can milgate this by having Origin start up with Windows but people would turn it off for performance reasons although I don't think it would matter on today's computers especially gaming/workstation desktops.

What do you think of The Sims 2 requiring Origin to run?
  • "lulubadwolf;c-16518374" wrote:
    "JULES1111;c-16464361" wrote:
    Ya they did this a while ago. I never let my game update though, so I don't have to have Origin to play. I removed Securom myself, so I don't need their updated version. I also used my sims 3 disks and the super patch so my sims 3 game isn't linked to Origin either. I don't even have Origin installed, yay me! :D

    I hate the idea though. I don't know why they just can't leave the older games alone. There is zero point in linking it to Origin, other then to annoy. There are no benefits. If you already had the game installed, you still have Securom, unless you removed it yourself. That is only good for new downloads. Frankly I would rather go through removing it myself, it is not hard.

    This. It's not like they are going to actually make updates to correct corruption issue (and frankly, i would rather them to not do it. Of course i would be happy if they really manage to stop corruption without any side effect but that's totally impossible and let's be realistic: They'll need time, budget and a special team to do so, they don't have any of that) or any other things.

    And i hate it too, even if i use the origin log-in now :tired_face:

    Ya exactly. They are not getting rid of game issues, they just "update it" to be better with 10 and such. Not like that has been good it has caused some people a host of new issues. :/ Fail.... of course I wouldn't expect any better. I am with you though, I don't want them to touch it, that is SCARY!!! :s
  • "Curl;c-16516678" wrote:
    @JULES1111 I know this thread is super old, but can you please help me on how to get Sims 2 UC to play without needing Origin?? It's super annoying and I'd so so appreciate it ! I'd also ask for Sims 3, but I'm guessing it'd be more complicated. . .

    This is for a PC - if you have a Mac it may be similar though not exact.
    find your game files in the hard drive; path is: Computer/ C/ Program Files (x86)/ EA games / Sims 2 Ultimate Collection / Fun with pets/ SP9 /TSBin/
    Create a desktop icon from the Sims2EP9 in the TSBin. It says application.

    See if that works for you.
  • OldeSimsFan's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    As of yesterday, TS2 UC launches fine without any Origin. What I don't remember is if I did the icon thing noted above way back when was having trouble getting it to run on new Windows 10 machine. Starts fine, runs like a champ.
  • "Rflong7;c-16641425" wrote:
    "@Oldeseadogge;c-16640891" wrote:
    As of yesterday, TS2 UC launches fine without any Origin. What I don't remember is if I did the icon thing noted above way back when was having trouble getting it to run on new Windows 10 machine. Starts fine, runs like a champ.

    Hi :)
    You downloaded TS2 UC Yesterday and are running it without Origin?

    the sims 2, the sims 3, and the sims 4 all require origin sign in for me.
  • "Oldeseadogge;c-16657436" wrote:
    The 'as of yesterday' refers to not needing origin as of 26 July. Have played it since, and don't need it. TS2 UC was gotten I'm guessing about 2 or 3 years or so ago. I have all the disks, so was trying to install them on my Windows 10 machine. Was getting all sorts of error messages, so stared checking the forums here for help. As a result of that contacted EA, and after explaining my situation the rep on the other end gave me the code to download and run the game. After a couple of graphics tweaks, again learned from the forums, the game has been running just fine with neither online connection nor Origin. Have avoided any and all 'updates' to it as I trust EA about as far as I can throw the aircraft carrier Enterprise. TS3 & 4 were wedded to Origin from the get-go, so stuck there.

    And you're not affected by the patch that makes you require Origin. Which was what Rflong was referring to. People who download the UC today, will require Origin to play. Which is what this thread is referring to. That the patch released earlier this year that removed Securom from the UC added in the requirement for Origin to be on in order to play.
  • "Oldeseadogge;c-16657733" wrote:
    Thank you for the info! All the more reason to not do any EA updates on my TS2 UC. I have a vague memory of seeing something in this forum section on how to remove Securom without the update. Not sure where it is though.

    All we can say is to google it.