Forum Discussion

InsuranceGuy197's avatar
5 years ago

Major issues signing in

Received an email to reset the password which I did but I keep getting the error logging in. I have deleted the game and reinstalled and still nothing. Anyone else having this problem and any solutions?
  • I get the “error with login” on a regular basis. It’s usually an error in entering the email address. I play multiple games and each email is close but not the same. 4 different .coms. Different numbers. Not enough sleep. Busy watching tv at the same time. Fat fingers. Occasional dyslexia. Impatience. Make sure you are entering the correct information.
  • "wadebear;c-2153093" wrote:
    "gungadinshir;c-2152961" wrote:
    No success so restarted my phone and tried again, this time I get the Need to download extra update about 1914 mb,

    You need to open up some space on your device. Delete some stuff. Move it to cloud storage. You can't fill your device up to the max and expect it to work.
    You're having a dinner party. You fill your dining room table up with food. Now where do you put the plates?

    Tell your guests it's a buffet instead, with gravy.
  • I deleted the app and reinstalled and that seemed to work. Having been a continuous tapper since the game debuted, not tapping for 2 days left me feeling like Desmond from Lost. Thought the world would end if I didn’t tap ???
  • "wadebear;c-2153093" wrote:
    "gungadinshir;c-2152961" wrote:
    No success so restarted my phone and tried again, this time I get the Need to download extra update about 1914 mb,

    You need to open up some space on your device. Delete some stuff. Move it to cloud storage. You can't fill your device up to the max and expect it to work.
    You're having a dinner party. You fill your dining room table up with food. Now where do you put the plates?

    Got loads of space on my phone, I uninstalled the game and then reinstalled , that worked fine and haven't had an issue since.
  • An email to reset your password I don't know if I would have listen to that.
  • Here's what I keep telling everybody, and this advice has worked for me as well:
    This has been a problem lately. I've had to deal with it as well.

    A. Make sure your password is less than 16 characters long and does not have any special characters - just letters and numbers.

    B. This worked for me:

    Open the App Manager by double tapping the Home Button (Apple) or tapping the rectangle (Android).
    Swipe away all open apps (people call this force closing, but that is not correct, this is just closing the apps)
    Turn off your device. OFF. Do not restart.
    If you're using home internet to connect, turn off your home internet devices.
    Wait 1 minute.
    Turn your home internet devices back on (if applicable) and wait for them to connect.
    Turn on your device.
    Try playing.

    C. If the above doesn't work:

    Open the App Manager by double tapping the Home Button (Apple) or tapping the rectangle (Android).
    Swipe away all open apps.
    Uninstall the game.
    Turn off your device. OFF. Do not restart.
    If you're using home internet to connect, turn off your home internet devices.
    Wait 1 minute.
    Turn your home internet devices back on (if applicable) and wait for them to connect.
    Turn on your device.
    Install the game.
    Start the game but DO NOT TRY TO PLAY
    Enter your age and agree to the license.
    DO NOT LOG IN AT THIS POINT. Wait for ALL the files to download. When ALL the files have downloaded THEN log in.

    See if that works.
  • Did you clear your cache and restart your device after deleting and before downloading the game? @InsuranceGuy1974
    EA does send an email to reset your password when there’s been suspicious activity. @iain51269522
  • I have just had a similar issue, when I tried to login it told me there was an error with login,
    I went through the forgot password link and changed my password via the email link. Tried to login using the new password. . No success so restarted my phone and tried again, this time I get the Need to download extra update about 1914 mb,
    Started game after that finished tried to login .. no luck again. :s although I can login to the forum using this password.
    I have just tried the 1st suggestion above , opened the app , got to do extra download again.. start game try to login.. same flipping message. . Aaaaaagghhh!
    I think it's uninstall time.. :#
  • "gungadinshir;c-2152961" wrote:
    No success so restarted my phone and tried again, this time I get the Need to download extra update about 1914 mb,

    You need to open up some space on your device. Delete some stuff. Move it to cloud storage. You can't fill your device up to the max and expect it to work.
    You're having a dinner party. You fill your dining room table up with food. Now where do you put the plates?