Woah, thanks for posting this! I never knew that they were originally planning to ship 5 neighborhoods with the game, and then 1, until eventually they settled with the 3 we know and love today. I wish he would've talked a little bit more about that part. I would've loved to hear what ideas they had for the other neighborhoods (if any).
It was also interesting to hear that EA wanted the bladder function removed in the Sims 1 because it was too gross. So insanely obvious that they had no clue why people were drawn to the Sims. ? I'm glad they didn't change the pee puddles to yellow though. That sounds super gross!
I was mostly surprised that the Sims 2 developers had even bigger ideas that they finished, that worked, but couldn't be implemented into the game because there was no good way on communicating what was happening to players. That bit about the memories and Sims being able to talk to other Sims what they'd experienced and having them react to it like they were there themselves was super cool! I would've LOVED to see that implemented!
And that bit about Sims having a "main interaction" and "sub interactions" was really cool as well! Sounds suspiciously like the multi tasking in the Sims 4, just taken to the next step. I understand that it eventually got too complicated for them to use, but wow, imagine multitasking in the Sims 2!