4 years ago
Sims 2 Windows 11?
Hi! I am currently installing my "The Sims 2" (all add-ons and accessoire-packs incl patches; in the right order) on my new laptop with windows 11. So far everything works fine, but I read a lot a...
Hi! Thanks for checking on my progress! No, I have not gotten around to it yet because I'm not home today. I will be home tomorrow, so I'll have to try it then. I have a weird schedule.
Do you think I should backup and re-install my saved game before adding the expansions?
@datboilizzy No keep your save files out of it until you have installed every pack you have and have ran the game to check it loads.
Leave all of your data out of it. When reinstalling my game one time in the past, I added my saves back into the game when I hadn't already loaded it once, and my data in the default Neighbourhoods was wiped. That's because the game when first installed force adds the default Neighbourhoods to your game. If there is already something there under those names, there is a risk it will be replaced.
So keep your files safe and away.
Install everything you have.
Load up the game for the first time. Maybe enter one of the default Neighbourhoods.
Then exit and copy your files back in place.
Please copy, don't move. Always make sure you have a backup.