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emorrill's avatar
4 months ago

❄ It Came Upon a Christmas Twist ❄

Hey friends! 😊 Thank you for being here once again for the debut of my 5th (almost) annual Sims 3 Christmas story for the year 2024! 🎉 Holy cow has it been 5 years already!? 😮 Anyway,

This story stems from the depths of my active imagination. 😁 As y'all know, Christmas is my favorite time of the year and watching romantic Holiday movies - coupled with a cup of hot cocoa - are the icing on the sugar cookies! They are my jam! 💗 So of course, being a romance writer, I jump at the chance to contribute to the "Hallmark Christmas movie" craze. In book form. 😉 

I'm so excited to present to you today the very first Chapter of: It Came Upon a Christmas Twist. 😊 It's written in the perspective of the leading man, as opposed to the leading lady which is so commonly done in most Holiday movies and books. I like to change things up sometimes because normal can get to be quite mediocre after a while. And it's fun. 🙃

So now, without further adieu, please enjoy Chapter 1 as well as all the subsequent Chapters that will be released in the days leading up to Christmas. 😁👍🏻

Thanks for reading! 💗


*HERE'S QUICK LINKS TO EACH CHAPTER POST* 😊👍🏻 (Because this forum layout is confusing...)

Chapter 1 - Is on this post, scroll down
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

QUICK BIG THANKS: To Rflong for their amazing "Christmas Village" world where this entire story takes place 👏🏻, Bmitjessesue from "Poses by Bee," Danjaley from "Clutter and Curiosity," and other creative simmers who have so graciously shared their poses with the world. �� My stories would not be complete without your talents so thank you, thank you! 🤗 Also a big thanks to Sandy at ATS3 and many others from TSR, MTS, and the internet for their incredible custom content that give my stories that look of reality that I'm always aiming for. 😊👍🏻 And one last very appreciative thanks to me1620 for finding the perfect premade sim from the Exchange - and fixing him up for me ❤ - that fit the look I had in mind for the leading man in this story. 🥰


And one last little thing y'all: If there is anything in my jolly Christmas story that offends in any way, please know that it is never my intent to offend anyone. So please be courteous and just scroll on or stop reading the story altogether. I won't be offended. Let's all be nice and respect each other and enjoy the story. 💜 Thank you.


It Came Upon a Christmas Twist
Written by E. E. Morrill; copyright: 2024

Chapter 1

It was early winter in the town of Larkspur, Wyoming, just two weeks before Christmas. Wispy snowflakes fell and swayed gracefully to the ground amidst the rays of the noon-day sun. A welcome change from the usual blizzard conditions due to the state’s chronically strong winds. The snowy, unblemished landscape stretched out for miles, in between every sagebrush and tree, blanketing the rolling hills in a stark whiteness. It was a desert winter wonderland if there ever was one. 

Declan Hayes gazed out the frosted office window by the water cooler, casually sipping from a paper cup while dreamily watching the snowflakes fall. Wishing for once that he was actually outside doing something fun in such nice winter weather instead of being stuck in the office. But alas, such is the life of a working man.

It’s not like he was complaining or anything. Work was actually pretty great: friendly co-workers, a semi-quiet, organized working environment, and his job was a pretty essential one. As the official Computer Systems Analyst for the Wyoming branch of Paperclips, Etc. his job was to manage the office’s computer systems and IT software - as well as the company website - making sure everything is running efficiently and effectively for the benefit of the company’s profits, security, and growth. He had hoped to land a CSA job in a more upscale business company rather than an office supply company, but one has to start somewhere. 

Taking one last sip from the paper cup, he swiftly tossed it into the trash can and turned back towards his desk, pressing his black, Ray Ban glasses more securely on the bridge of his nose as he did so. He was a tall, well figured man of 27 years, who wore his ebony hair in an upswept fashion, short cut in the back and neatly trimmed at the sides. Sideburns and well groomed facial hair framed his jawline down to his chin, made complete with a mustache resting suitably above his lips. Sporting a dark blue and green plaid shirt, with sleeves down to his fair skinned wrists and black slacks, he was the picture perfect image of your typical computer IT guy; with handsomeness and charm blended in.

And he had a great sense of humor. 

Once Declan sat down in his chair he heard the familiar ring from the main office telephone and briefly cast a glance over at the secretary's desk which was about fifteen feet away. The secretary, and Declan’s co-worker friend, Andres Montoya - Andy for short - promptly answered the phone and greeted the caller in his normally kind and professional manner. Declan cracked a smile at his Mexican friend, always impressed by his work ethic and felt he deserved so much better than a secretary’s job. But the guy truly seemed to enjoy it. 

Andy was also one whom most would consider handsome. A man in his late twenties as well, with mocha colored skin and dark brown hair and eyes. He too wore his hair in an upswept fashion, but had it mostly buzzed on the sides and in the back, with a single, thick strand of bang hanging over his left eye. His jawline wasn’t as defined as Declan’s, but it was nicely complimented by some subtle stubble that also wrapped around his faint pink lips.

The two became fast friends in the workplace after discovering they had similar personalities and chuckled often at each other’s simple or witty remarks over anyone else that was present. 

The office the two worked in looked like your normal, modern day office. With light earth tone colors on the walls and floor, ambient overhead lighting, and dark-stained wooden desks with rolling chairs. Most everyone had half-walled cubicles except for the Branch Manager, of course, who had her own office right next to the conference room, and Andy.

His reception desk was adorned with stacked flat stones in a variety of colors leading up to the flat and shiny marble surface where people would stop to greet him or drop something off. It was basically the focal point of the whole room, for obvious reasons. Andy often joked about how being at the center of attention was a blessing and a curse, Declan was reminded of with a chuckle. 

And naturally with it being the holiday season, various decorations lit up the entire office in all their splendor, bringing in that everlasting spirit of Christmas. 

Declan took it all in for a brief moment. This was his favorite time of the year.

Just as he was about to return to his normal office duties, the front door to the office sprung open, bringing with it a blast of frigid air as well as a tall, slender, and fair-skinned woman, whose commanding presence always got the attention of every employee.

Harper Williams. The Manager of the Larkspur, Wyoming Branch of Paperclips, Etc. And Declan’s boss. Well, everyone’s boss. She had returned from her lunch break.

“Were there any calls for me while I was out?” she asked Andy through shivering lips while removing her snowflake speckled knit hat. Short strands of her pulled back, dirty blonde hair stood up like peach fuzz as she did so. It was always a humorous sight for Declan to see since the woman was a textbook perfectionist.
“Yeah two,” came the reply, “one was the regional manager…”

Harper puffed as she strode over to her office, her high heeled boots clicking on the floor with each harsh step. “Why does he always have to call when I’m out?” she muttered, firmly closing the door behind her. 

Declan’s eyebrows bounced as he turned back towards his computer, positioning his fingers over the keyboard. Maybe because he really doesn’t want to talk to you, he frankly thought as he began to type, then shook his head with a half-cracked smile. He didn’t mean to be harsh. It’s not that Harper wasn’t a nice person, she just wasn’t the easiest person to get along with. Especially to him. 

“Hey hombre,” Andy greeted Declan with on approach to his desk, turning and leaning against it with folded arms. “What do you think’s got Harper all flustered this time?”
“No clue,” Declan simply replied, continuing to type and study the screen. “Bad lunch date maybe?”
Andy shook his head with a closed-lipped smile. “You’re terrible.”
“Really not trying to be.”
“Besides she’s not one to set up a hot date on her lunch break.”
Declan bobbed his head, eyes still glued to the screen. “Guess you’re right about that.”
“I didn’t think she was dating anyone right now. Do you know if she is?”

“Well she really should be, a gorgeous woman like her…,” Andy mused. “Honestly, I don't understand how she’s still single.”
Declan smirked. “Honestly, I don't understand how you’re still single.” He shot him that same smirk before looking back at the screen.
“Hey! Speak for yourself hombre!” Andy cried, playfully slapping his friend’s shoulder. Then he turned his gaze back to Harper’s office door with a dreamy expression on his face. “Man if I wasn’t insecure as heck I would ask her out myself…”

No surprise there. Declan knew about Andy’s silent little crush on Harper for a while now. “You should. Tell your insecurities to take a hike.”
“Right. Like she’d ever be into me anyway. A lowly secretary…,” Andy trailed off with a sigh, feeling a sense of hopelessness. “Would you ever ask her out?”

“Harper?” Declan unnecessarily asked, pulling his eyes away from the screen for a second. “No. No, I don’t think so.” Then he started typing again. It’s not like he hadn’t ever considered it, because Harper was indeed attractive. But her - pun unintended - bossy nature and poor sense of humor was a bit of a turn off. He needed someone a little more compatible with himself. Someone fun, easy-going, and…sweet. He knew Harper was a good person and even considered her a casual friend in the workplace, but that was about it.

“Seriously!?” Andy interrupted his thoughts with. “Is it because she’s your boss?”
“That and seriously, she’s not my type.”
“Oh yeah, I forget how much she gets on your nerves. Well,” Andy paused, standing up straight and clapping Declan’s shoulder this time. “At least you’ll get a nice break from her when she goes to the company conference tomorrow.”

Declan hated to admit it, but he kind of was looking forward to it; not catering to Harper’s everyday demands. Which seemed to be more frequent lately.

Then out of the middle of nowhere…

“Declan can I see you in my office for a moment?” the woman herself asked.

Declan’s eyes and brows shot up from the computer screen at Harper's sudden appearance, hoping she hadn’t heard the tail end of his and Andy’s conversation.

“Uh, yeah. I’ll be right there.”
Harper nodded with a closed smile and turned back towards her office.

“Oh boy,” Andy shuddered with a grimace as Declan stood up from his chair. “You don’t think she heard that, do you?”
“Nah. Otherwise I’m sure she’d be asking you into her office, not me,” he answered with a smirk, pushing his chair in.
Andy shook his head at him. “Well good luck, hombre. Whatever it is…”

Declan couldn’t remember the last time Harper asked to see him in her office. Most of the time he was under her radar and he did his best to keep it that way. He was just the computer IT guy - she had way more important things, and people, to concern herself with. 

So why then would she be asking him into her office? 

“You wanted to see me?” he addressed Harper, after closing the door behind him and gradually approaching her desk.
“Yes, thank you. Please,” she gestured with her hand, “have a seat.”
Declan froze. “I’d…rather stand. If that’s alright?” he asked. He didn’t know why, but sitting felt like trouble to him.
Harper’s eyebrows bounced for a split second at his response then her lips turned up into a smile. “Well then I guess I will too." She slipped into her desk chair. "And relax Declan, you’re not in trouble.”

That actually did make him relax. A little.

“I’m sure you’ve heard about the company conference going on in Boise the day after tomorrow?” she began.
“Do you know what it’s about?”
“No… I usually don’t receive that kind of information.”
“No one has,” she informed, coming around to the front of the desk now to stand before him. “But I felt you should be in the know before the official word gets out.”
Wow, me? Declan thought curiously. What exactly is she getting at? He couldn’t deny it felt kind of nice that she considered him.

Harper folded her arms before continuing. “As you all know, the company has been struggling with sales for a while now due to the emergence of more modern, online office supply companies.”
Declan nodded.
“Cuts have already been made, but when they tried making more cuts, they discovered that Paperclips, Etc. would be unable to deliver the quality products and services that we have always adhered to since day one, running on such limited man power. Now before going to the extreme - as you and I both know what that means for us - the company has decided,” she paused to sigh, “to do a rebranding.”

“Rebranding?” Declan asked with a furrowed brow. “Are they sure that’s such a good idea? It might put the company deeper in the hole.”

“I know…and they know that too. But it’s a risk they’re willing to take to preserve the company values and take care of the people working for it. Hundreds of employees have been with us for the past twenty-five years, Declan…need I say more?”
He shook his head. It was truly an honor to work for such a good company that didn’t treat its employees like replaceable numbers.
“So that is the purpose of the conference. To discuss the rebranding and all the changes associated with it. The main focus being on creating more of an online presence and experience for our customers. Advertising, offering more products and flexible delivery services, and stuff like that. We want to go into the new year with a fresh start.”
“Sounds good,” Declan acknowledged. “So why are you telling me all this?” He had an idea as to why, but he wasn’t exactly sure.

Harper paused briefly.

“Because I would like you to attend the conference with me.”

Declan’s eyes widened. That was unexpected. 

“I know it’s last minute and I’m sorry for that, but the regional manager just mentioned to me that the company website will be undergoing a massive revamp during the rebranding process. And I thought that with you being our CSA - one of the very few in the company, actually - you should be present at this conference. Perhaps even provide some valuable input before the company moves forward.” 

Wow, Declan thought again. It was certainly an honor to be extended the invitation, however since when has he himself ever been considered valuable to Harper or anyone in the company? Was there some other reason at play here? Then again she did mention how much the higher ups value its employees so maybe–

“You with me Declan?” Harper interrupted, a curious look on her face.
“Y-Yes of course,” he stammered.
“Great! It’s settled then.” She piped up.
“But, umm–”
“Pack your things because we will be meeting here bright and early in the morning - eight o’clock - to take the company car up to the airport and catch a flight to Boise.”
“Uh, okay…”
“And then from there we have to get a rental car for the two-hour drive up to Oakridge, stay the night at a hotel there, and attend the conference the next morning. Got it?”

Oakridge, Idaho. The city where the company first started. Fitting, Declan thought. “Yeah I got it,” he reluctantly answered. She’d stomped all over the words he tried to get in edgewise anyway. There was no backing out now. Plus it was probably preferred if Harper had a companion come along with her for safety reasons, especially since there was some driving involved. But why does it have to be me? he groaned in thought, eyes pressed shut. 

Harper went back to her computer and reached for the mouse.

“There’s some papers that’ll need to be signed immediately so I’ll email you those now.” Her mouse clicked. “And I’ve already got the plane tickets and booked two hotel rooms,” she emphasized, “so we’ll be all good to go for tomorrow morning.”
“Great…” She already booked an extra ticket and room? What if I’d said no?
“And don’t be late in the morning Declan because you know how I feel about that,” she added firmly.
Of course I do…, he almost said aloud, but nodded with a fake smile instead.

“Now go get those papers e-signed right away please,” she ordered, then, “thank you!” dismissing him with a wave of her free hand. 

As Declan left Harper’s office and headed back to his desk, he removed his glasses and rubbed at his eyes. This was not how he planned to spend his weekend.

He slumped into his desk chair with a loud sigh which instantly caught Andy’s attention.

“Hey,” he came over and greeted Declan in a quiet tone. “What happened in there?”
“Oh…nothing much.” Declan sighed again. “Just that Harper wants me to accompany her to the conference tomorrow…”
Andy gaped at the revelation with wide eyes, but soon grinned. “Ho ho, you and Harper going on a business trip together? That’s new! For like what, two days?”
“Three.” He facepalmed.
“Ohhh man! That’s gonna be torture for you!”
“Ya think!?” Declan exclaimed, raising his head from the palm of his hand.
“Gotta admit, I’m kinda jealous,” Andy went on, but when Declan didn’t say anything he changed his tune. “Look hombre, I’m sure it won’t be all that bad. I mean, maybe this is a good thing.”  
Declan shot him a questionable look as to how.
“Maybe it’s a chance for the two of you to get to know each other better, understand how the other ticks so you gain some empathy, and then that way you won’t get on each other’s nerves so much anymore.” He shrugged.

“I suppose you’re right,” Declan acknowledged. Even though right now he really wasn’t looking forward to the trip. 
“You gotta keep me updated on everything that happens ok?”
“Updated on what?’” Declan curiously questioned. “I can assure you that nothing exciting is going to happen on this trip.” He was sure of it.

Andy smirked. “We’ll see.”


Next Chapter will be posted Dec 3rd. �� Stay tuned!

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