Forum Discussion
❄Chapter 8❄
Knowing that Declan was out of the house - and spying out the icy window to make doubly sure - Harper made her way downstairs. Her growling stomach was beyond tired of running on empty!
When she reached the base of the stairs she found Kinsley sitting at the dining table, her elbow upon it and her chin resting in the palm of her hand, staring into nothingness. Her head lifted as Harper’s presence caught her attention.
“Man that pizza smells so good!” Harper expressed to her, heading for the kitchen. “I’m famished!”
“It’s in the fridge,” Kinsley informed. “So you’ll have to heat it up.”
“No problem. Thanks!”
As Kinsley listened to the sound of the microwave reheating the pizza, her thoughts wandered back to Declan. His face a constant image in her mind now. Everything about him and the way he made her feel in the past two days healed her recovering heart in a way she didn’t believe could be possible again.
It made her begin to reevaluate what she was doing with her life. And what might be next.
“Guess Declan went to bed?” Harper asked, setting her plate down on the table and pulling out a chair.
Once sitting down and taking a quick glance around, Harper noted, “The decorations look great in here. Looks just like how it did the last time we spent Christmas here.”
“Thanks.” Kinsley smiled. “I’m glad you like it.”
Harper nodded as she delved right into the slice of pizza, letting out a soft moan. She couldn’t remember the last time a pizza tasted so good. Especially since she didn’t have pizza often after starting a strict, low carb diet regimen a couple of years ago to help keep up her trim figure.
“It’s nice to see you’re feeling better,” Kinsley expressed, internally chuckling over the way her sister was devouring the pizza slice. “You are feeling better, right?”
“Mostly,” Harper answered through a chew. “I still have a stuffy nose and coughing a little, but not as much.”
“That’s good. You’ll probably want to wear a mask at the conference, just to be on the safe side.”
“I don’t need to wear a mask,” Harper countered with. “It’s not COVID…” She bit into the crust of the pizza now.
“Still, you wouldn’t want to get anyone else sick.”
“Kins, you’re going into nurse mode again. It’s fine.”
Kinsley tried not to roll her eyes. This was typical behavior from twin sister. “Well at least wear one when you’re in the car with Declan so you don’t get him sick.” Then she glanced away, hoping she didn’t reveal anything through her eyes and the tone in her voice. Harper had this strange way of reading her like an open book. I guess the obvious explanation would be because they are twins.
Starting on the second slice of pizza, Harper chewed slowly as her eyes darted between the pizza slice and Kinsley, then back at the pizza again; debating within herself.
“Speaking of Declan…you two were getting pretty cozy down here, eh?”
Kinsley froze, the blood draining from her face as she met her sister’s gaze; her heart racing with nervousness. “Oh. You saw that?”
“Of course I did,” Harper answered with a slight tone. “Like I said before, I could smell the pizza...” She bit into the slice again.
Kinsley’s eyes shifted downward, hands clasped together in her lap and fidgeting. She wasn’t sure what to say or how to even say it.
“I-It all happened so fast. It almost felt unreal.” She mused, a smile playing across her lips. “But…it wasn’t.” She lifted her head, pausing to study her sister’s face expression. “Are you mad?”
Harper set the slice of pizza down and finished chewing before responding. “No,” she dryly answered, then swallowed. That might have been a white lie. “I’m just wondering if you’ve thought this whole thing through,” she continued, giving her sister a pointed look.
Kinsley gave Harper a somewhat confused look in return. “What do you mean?”
“Well for starters,” Harper began, shifting her weight in the chair a little, “you only just met Declan like what, almost two days ago?”
Kinsley looked away.
“You don’t even know him well enough to–”
“Ok are you being the caring sister right now, trying to tell me that he’s not the kind, funny, and wonderful guy that he seems to be?” Kinsley timidly came back with.
Harper stiffened. “Well, no, that’s not what I’m saying at all. He’s all of that. Truly. I’m just saying it’s a bit early to be kissing him when you’ve only known him for two days.”
Kinsley looked away again, muttering quietly, “I seem to remember you kissing guys you’ve only known for an hour…” She was not getting this lecture. Not from Harper.
Harper gave her a stern look. “That was years ago. When I was young and stupid. We’re older now, Kins…we both know better than that.”
“I know,” Kinsley lightly acknowledged. “And because I know, I did not take kissing him lightly.”
Harper’s gaze softened.
“It hasn’t been easy moving on from Ryan. Sometimes I feel like my heart will never fully heal from that. But,” she paused, her heart fluttering again, “in the past couple of days Declan has made me feel happier than I’ve been in months. And there’s this spark that happened between us.” She held a hand to her chest, looking Harper in the eye again. “A connection that I can’t even fully explain…but it is genuine.”
“Kins,” Harper started, reaching over the table and placing her hand on her sister’s, “I’m not trying to disregard that or anything, but it’s not just the kiss. How are you two even going to make a relationship work? Declan lives in Wyoming, you live in Nevada. That's like a thousand miles away. You know long distance relationships hardly ever work out…”
Kinsley shrugged, not even knowing for sure herself how they'd make it work, but said, “I know we'll find a way to make it work.” Oh how her heart hoped for it.
Harper’s gaze lowered with her lips pressed together and she removed her hand from sister’s. She sat back into the chair and folded her arms. “I dunno Kins…you talk about feeling a connection with Declan and,” she somewhat hesitated, “I’ve been feeling a connection with him too. For a while now, actually.”
Kinsley’s heart screeched to a halt and her chest tightened as she met her sister’s revelatory gaze. “What?”
The tone in Kinsley’s voice made Harper instantly correct herself. “Well, not a connection per se, but an attraction, yes.”
Kinsley blinked at her in disbelief.
Harper rested her arms on the table and clasped her hands together as she explained. “When Declan was first hired on, he was always so shy around me. Like a little schoolboy with his first crush on the prettiest girl in school.” She cracked a smile as she mused. “I’d watch him through the windows of my office, talking to his buddy, the secretary, and often shooting bashful glances in my direction. Then after a while when we got to know each other better, and he started to feel more comfortable around me, there developed this…tension between us you know?” She gestured with her hands.
Kinsley really didn’t.
“Like he started joking around with me more and then getting annoyed with me whenever I had to exert my authority. I’ve just always taken that as his way of showing his attraction for me, without revealing it to everyone else in the office. Because inter-office relationships really are frowned upon.”
“Well, yeah,” Kinsley agreed, looking away and still feeling somewhat numb.
“But not prohibited,” Harper stressed. She was the boss after all.
Yet Kinsley still felt confused. “A-Are you sure it wasn’t just that once he got to know you better, he found you annoying?” He wouldn’t be the first guy. When she saw Harper’s unamused look she added, “Sorry…”
Harper then folded her arms again in assurance. “Kins, he bickers with me all the time. There’s definitely some suppressed feelings going on there. Why do you think I invited him to come to the conference with me?” She asked with the palm of her hand pointed towards the ceiling.
“Because I wanted to see what might happen between us. Alone, with no other distractions. Because the feelings are…mutual.” She concluded, making a point.
Hearing that, a lump developed in Kinsley’s throat as she held her sister’s gaze. It was like their teenage years all over again and it made her heart develop a painful ache. “You…you like him too?” she questioned, just to confirm.
Harper gave a slight nod before answering. “Yes.”
Kinsley lowered her eyes to the table.
“And I haven’t admitted that to anyone. Until now…”
Despite Harper’s revelation Kinsley’s heart fluttered in desperate communication, imploring her to trust her deepest feelings of surety about Declan. In every beautiful moment they shared together, and especially during that kiss, there was no way he held feelings for her sister at the same time.
“Are you sure you sense feelings of affection from him, Harper?” she asked, their eyes locking now. “Because like I said earlier I could feel a very strong connection and attraction between us in the short time we’ve spent together. One that’s more than just infatuation from suddenly meeting a new and handsome guy in your life. It was almost like…greater than the connection I ever felt with Ryan.” She surprised herself by saying it.
“Kins,” Harper seemingly disregarded, taking her sister’s hand again, “I think you’re still in a vulnerable and needy state since your break-up–”
Kinsley rapidly shook her head in protest.
“--so your aching heart might feel like Declan’s innate kindness is attraction. But I mean, c’mon Kins," she paused, "would he really all of the sudden be so interested in you if he wasn’t already interested in me?”
Now that stung like a million bee stings. And Kinsley’s straight-faced, yet injured expression said it all in the now dreaded silence of the cabin.
Harper then squeezed her eyes shut, feeling immediate regret. “I’m sorry…that came out wrong.”
Kinsley sharply removed her hand from Harper’s touch and looked away, desperately trying to hold back the swirling emotions within her that tugged forcefully at her eyelids. For there were so many, and now they were riddled with insecurities.
“I’m not trying to be mean, Kins. You know I love you, I’m just saying–”
“I’m going to bed,” Kinsley swiftly expressed, standing up from the chair and heading for the stairs, not wishing to hear any more of this conversation.
“Kinsley…,” Harper pined after her, but when Kinsley kept on going up the stairs, she turned and lowered her face into her hands and sighed.
Why did their relationship always have to feel so strained, she thought; since the day they were born. She had hoped their surprise reunion at the cabin would be one filled with joy and a peaceful respite. The kind of feeling that always comes around during the Christmas season. Was she - Harper - really such a hard person to get along with? Even with her identical twin sister? And did Declan feel the same? But was just too kind to admit it? What if all her co-workers felt that way? She expelled a breath, almost shuddering at the thought…
But either way, whether Kinsley wanted to believe it or not, she was just trying to look out for her “little” sister. Like she always did. Now matter how painful it might be.
Because really, it was better this way.
The next morning - feeling mostly well - Harper checked the IDT’s website again in hopes that there was some updated information on the closure of the Pass. Naturally, no information was posted whatsoever like before. “Figures,” she muttered under her breath, just before her phone lit up and rang with a call from her Boss. She promptly slid the green button to the side and held the phone up to her ear.
“Good morning Greg. What’s the word?”
“Hey Harper. We’ve just been informed that the Pass is finally open so you and Mr. Hayes need to head out soon. We’re resuming the conference at 10 this morning.”
“Great! Gosh I’m so glad to hear that.”
“Yep. Drive carefully and don’t be late,” he teased.
“Oh you know me, there’s nothing to worry about there. See you soon. Bye!”
Shooting a quick glance at the clock on the end table instead of right there on her phone - reading 7:28 - Harper immediately sent a text to Declan.
The Pass is open. So hurry up and get dressed and pack your stuff up because we’re leaving in a half hour sharp! Conference starts at 10.
In the guest house, Declan lowered his phone after reading the text with a painful heart. He didn’t care about the conference anymore…And he sure as heck didn’t feel like going.
But more than that, he found himself not even wanting to go home when it was over.
The very thought of leaving her was already beginning to leave a gaping hole in his heart.
His chest tightened, pondering on one pressing question. Would he ever be able to see her again after this? When their worlds were so far apart?
Every fiber of his being was determined to make it so.
Two minutes before the top of the hour, Harper was of course rushing Declan out the door as usual when he’d only just finished a bowl of cereal. His heart pounded, looking towards the spiral staircase again in anticipation.
Kinsley still hadn’t come down for breakfast. And now he was literally being pushed out the door before saying goodbye and getting her number and leaving her for good.
That wasn’t gonna happen; not on his watch. He had to go to her. No matter how angry Harper would get.
“We’re leaving Kins!” Harper suddenly shouted towards the ceiling, to which Declan was honestly quite thankful for. Footsteps from the stairs immediately followed and now his heart fluttered with excitement.
Kinsley came down the stairs wearing a maroon colored festive turtleneck sweater and jeans, with her hair pulled up in a messy ponytail and strands of hair dangling from the sides of her face, framing it perfectly.
My gosh she’s beautiful, Declan thought, wanting nothing more than to pull her into his arms and kiss her sweetly again, making her his, before saying what he had to say in goodbye.
The two exchanged smiles as they drew closer to each other, until Harper stepped in and gave Kinsley a tight hug.
“We gotta run now. It was so good to see you!”
“You too,” Kinsley casually expressed, still recovering from their conversation last night. She faked a smile as they broke their embrace.
“Take care of yourself now,” Harper wished, saying so much more than that with her eyes.
Kinsley read it all. “I will.”
With a pursed lip, Harper nodded. And with that she turned for her luggage resting on the floor nearby. “I’ll let you know when we get there and also when we return to Wyoming. Let’s go, Declan…”
An air of uneasiness surrounded Declan and Kinsley as they met eyes again, but it wasn’t the terrible sort. They still couldn’t stop exchanging smiles of affection while in each other's presence.
“Declan seriously,” Harper interrupted again from the doorway, glancing at her watch. “It’s already after 8.”
“Can you give me a minute?” Declan firmly, yet gently, asked her over his shoulder. “Please?”
Kinsley and Harper shot quick glances at each other before Harper conceded to their requests. “Alright. I’ll be waiting in the car. Please hurry.” And off she went towards the vehicle with her luggage, taking Declan’s along with her.
When Declan turned his head back around to face Kinsley, he was pleased to find that she had drawn closer to him. “Hey you,” he greeted her with.
“Hey,” she breathed through a smile, her eyes shifting somewhat. Her emotions were still reeling from the night before and she brushed one of her loose bangs behind her ear in nervousness as usual.
Declan drew in a breath, trying to calm his racing heart as he worked to compose himself. He wasn’t even sure how to begin. “You know, I never thought I’d find it this hard...leaving a small random town in Idaho of all places, and leaving behind someone so special that I’ve only known for two days…”
Kinsley blushed, her eyes welling up with tears. Feeling exactly the same.
“I had the most wonderful time here with you Kinsley.” His eyes glistened in heartfelt declaration.
“And I with you, Declan. I'll never forget it.”
He nodded in assent. “I really wish it didn’t have to end…”
“Me too…”
After both swallowing the lumps in their throats, Declan piped up a bit. “So I was thinking, maybe we could put each other’s numbers in our phones and keep in touch.” He extended his phone out to her.
“Oh, yeah, absolutely!” Her face brightened, doing the same.
After inputting their numbers into each other’s phones, the two grinned brightly.
“Maybe you could visit me in Wyoming someday,” Declan suggested. “And I could take you out on a real date. Show you all my favorite places.” He blushed, greatly wishing for it.
Kinsley did the same. “I’d love that,” she said with sincerity, even though the pain from last night was swiftly returning.
“Of course I wouldn’t mind visiting you in Nevada,” he assured. “I've never been there before can show me all your favorite places.”
Harper honked the horn, causing both of them to jump. Declan had to suppress an eyeroll in response.
“Guess that’s my cue,” he said, feeling a sense of deja vu.
Kinsley giggled, remembering. Oh how wonderful he was. And how joyful he made her feel, in every second they spent together. He complimented herself in so many ways. In every way she needed.
She just wished that her sister didn’t feel the same for him - and lived so much closer to him. And worked with him. Every single day. Far away in a different state.
“Have a good time at the conference, Declan,” she wished him, wanting this moment to end, but at the same time hating that it was. “And a safe trip home.”
“You too Kinsley,” he wished in the same manner. “Take care of yourself. And Merry Christmas.”
Her face beamed. “Merry Christmas.”
The two embraced and held each other for a long, fleeting moment.
“This isn’t goodbye,” Declan whispered by her ear, trying to brighten the difficult moments like he always did. “It’s just ‘see you later.’”
“Yeah,” Kinsley whispered back. I wish… Her emotions reeled again, realizing just how much Declan’s mere presence kept them at bay and she feared how relentless they would be when he was gone.
As they started to let go, Declan held her for a few seconds longer, gazing longingly in her eyes. Oh how he wanted to kiss her again. To feel her soft lips caressing his one more time before who knows how long it would be when they’d see each other again.
But she didn’t seem to hold the same desire in her eyes. And while it was a twinge disappointing, it was ok. He could respect that, especially since he knew she was still healing from her past relationship. Everything happened so fast between us, I’m sure she’s still trying to process it all, he thought, fully letting her go. Besides, absence makes the heart grow fonder. I hope…
Harper honked the horn three times now. And it honestly made Declan’s blood start to boil.
“Oh she’s really angry now,” Kinsley said with a chuckle. “You should go. I’ll text you later.” She promised.
Declan nodded. “I look forward to it. Later,” he winked.
Her face beamed. “Later.”
After Declan rushed out the door, Kinsley waved to them both, then gently pushed the door shut with the palm of her hand and lowered her eyes in sadness.
As she turned around to face all the beautiful Christmas decorations surrounding her, mainly the brightly lit and ornament adorned blue spruce tree - that oh so special tree that she and Declan picked out together -
- she cupped a hand to her lips and could no longer hold back the tears. Her just barely healed heart breaking all over again.
Outside in the car, once Declan got in, Harper said, “I’m sorry about that Declan, it’s just we really have to–”
“Whatever, it’s fine,” Declan sharply interrupted her while buckling his seatbelt. “Let’s just go.” And with that, he leaned his elbow on the door’s armrest and rested his chin in the palm of his hand while gazing out at the winter wonderland that was Autumnvale and once again feeling an immense amount of heartache.
The tone in his voice made Harper’s stomach lurch, because it was one she never heard come out of him before, and it was so unlike him.
Expelling a light breath, she put the car in gear and drove out of the driveway. So many thoughts and questions swirled about in her mind. What exactly happened during his and Kinsley’s parting? Did they kiss again? Was he feeling so down simply because of leaving her, or did Kinsley say something to put an end to their two day fling? She hoped for the latter, but she really couldn’t be sure.
Either way he’ll get over it, she ultimately thought, more firmly gripping the steering wheel. Really, it’s for the best. For him and Kinsley. Life will go on and the two of us will pick up right where we left off.
But as she shot a quick, inadvertent glance at Declan - his countenance still gray and his glazed over eyes fixed out the window - her confident grip on the steering wheel weakened. And she began to wonder…if they actually would.
It felt so satisfying to Harper to finally make it through the blockade and into Oak’s Pass. To the point that she found herself cheering on the inside. It’s about darn time! Delays didn’t exist in her life’s vocabulary and she sure as heck hoped that one like this would never happen again.
Declan still hadn’t said a word since they left the cabin. Yet he couldn’t fully keep himself from looking over at Harper, wondering how she felt about his silence through the ever plain look on her face. Or what she might be thinking. He didn’t know how much Kinsley may have revealed to her about them.
But when Harper looked back at him, he snapped his head back towards the window, almost feeling a twinge of pain because of how utterly identical she looked to the woman that he had so greatly fallen for. But it wasn’t her…
And he wasn’t sure how he was going to handle looking at Harper from now on. Every single day at work.
“Hey,” Harper finally addressed in a cheery tone. “We’re finally driving through the Pass!”
“Yeah,” he casually acknowledged.
“Hopefully there won’t be another major snowstorm that blocks it off when the conference is over!” She shuddered to think.
Declan just shrugged. “I wouldn’t mind it actually. This part of Idaho is gorgeous.” He wasn’t just referring to the landscape. Even though Kinsley wasn’t fully attached to Idaho, he didn’t care. Idaho was where she was right now. “I could stick around for a little while still…”
Seeing that his mood still hadn’t changed, and his eyes were once again fixed out the window, Harper sighed. Maybe she was going about this in the wrong way. She referred back to some recent training she had on better connecting with her co-workers; and really it could be applied to all relationships, not just ones in the workplace.
“You really had fun in Autumnvale didn’t you?” she kindly asked him.
Declan turned to look at her now, not expecting that question, but certainly welcoming it. “Yeah.” He smiled. “I did.” Then naturally he added, “I’m sorry you were sick the whole time.”
Harper appreciated that and gave him a smile in return. “It’s ok. It’s not like I’ve never been there before and missed out on how nice it is.”
Declan nodded.
Then she paused for a moment. “You and Kinsley really did a great job with the decorations.”
Declan’s eyes widened at her sincere compliment. “Why thank you. I’m surprised you even noticed them, Mrs. Grinch,” he teased.
There he is, Harper happily thought before playfully dropping her jaw at him. “I do not hate Christmas, Declan! I like it, I just…well…you know what bothers me about it sometimes.”
He did; and it seemed so trivial to him. But then again everyone’s feelings are different.
It was truly unfortunate that she didn’t love Christmas the way her twin sister did.
And for a second there he’d almost forgotten he wasn’t talking to Kinsley. And he sighed.
He missed her. And Harper was making it harder to be away from her, especially when showing a warm side to herself like she did just then. He turned his head back towards the side window watching the snow-capped trees rapidly pass by. His thoughts racing with them.
He wasn’t sure how he was going to handle being around Harper now, and that concerned him. His job was on the line in that regard, and he certainly couldn’t quit over something like that. Even if he didn’t love his job.
He sighed again. The only way he was going to find relief would be to tell Harper about his feelings for Kinsley. But then again he also feared how Harper would react to that. Would it hurt their friendship - even though it wasn’t especially strong? Would she start treating him differently around the office to where everyone would start asking probing questions as to why?
He didn’t know what to do.
He just had to pray that it would all work out for the best. Where everyone involved would be happy.
“You’re not gonna go all silent on me again are you?” Harper interrupted his thoughts.
Declan squeezed his eyes shut, before turning his head to face her again. “No. I was just thinking about something.”
“Oh? Like what exactly?”
Quick! he thought. Oh! “How long is the conference going to be again?”
It was just a one day conference. A long, ten hour one.
The two made it just in time, which calmed Harper’s simmering nerves during the rest of the drive. The first half of the conference consisted of different speeches and presentations from Paperclips Etc.’s owner, CEO, and rebranding team. It was extremely informative and Declan felt honored and relieved to have all the insider info about the future of the struggling company before most everyone else; as he was sure everyone back home at the office held the same questions and concerns he’d been having. He sure as heck was going to give Andy all the “deets” before Harper would call a meeting about it with the other employees upon their return. If that bothered Harper, he didn’t care.
After lunch, the second half of the conference consisted of group sessions catered to the different departments within the company for a more in depth look at the changes and the implementation of them, and that’s when Declan and Harper went their separate ways. Declan welcomed it honestly. It was still just too much to be around Harper…in more ways than the obvious one.
At dinner Declan didn’t even think about finding Harper to sit with. He was pleasurably engaging in many different conversations with the other attendees, getting to know the wonderful people that made Paperclips, Etc. what it is, and towards what it could become.
When the conference was over, Declan was actually stopped on his way out by the COO of the company who asked him about his personal opinion on the rebranding - particularly with the new website and computer operations. It caught Declan by immense surprise, but he felt honored that his opinion was valued. At least, that’s the impression he got during their discussion. It was a sincerely pleasurable one, and it provided him with a greater sense of hope in the direction the company was going in than when he first heard the big “R” word. And based on Harper’s compliments on the encounter as they headed back to the company car, he had a strong feeling she tipped the COO in his direction. He was flattered; truly. She really didn’t have to do that, he thought. Especially if she might not take too kindly to him after he revealed the true feelings of his heart towards her twin sister.
He also wondered why all of the sudden Harper was saying and doing nice things for him, when normally she didn’t go out of her way to do anything for him. Guess she was never really given the opportunity to, his thoughts concluded with a shrug. But that was debatable.
Or was it because she felt more of a bond with him after having gone on this wild trip together, like Andy said might happen. He really couldn’t be sure. Harper was always a tough nut to crack.
It was nearing 10pm when the two drove the few blocks down the road to the Hotel they were supposed to originally stay in before the conference. Declan longed to stay the night again in the twin’s brother’s guest house, just to have another moment - or two or three - with Kinsley before he had to go home. A home that was now 1,000 miles away from quite possibly the love of his life. His heart ached so terribly for her. It brightened his day to receive the little text messages back from her about how boring, yet entertaining, the conference was. It was almost like it fueled his soul and made him feel more alive and confident in himself, especially during his interaction with the COO.
When he made it up to his room he had this extreme desire to give Kinsley a call, perhaps just to wish her goodnight, but soon decided against it. It was too late in the evening. He would have plenty of opportunities to talk to her on the phone later.
But that didn’t stop him from gazing out over the lights of the city from the balcony, pining for her and imagining telling her everything his heart deeply felt for her.
Little did he know that Kinsley stood outside on the cabin’s upstairs balcony at the same time, watching the snowflakes fall and thinking about nothing but him. So consumed by her thoughts that she couldn’t sleep.
In the morning, Harper knocked on Declan’s door bright and early, as he expected. They enjoyed a quick complimentary breakfast together before getting back on the road to Boise to catch their flight home.
Once again, not much was said between them during the drive.
After getting through the Pass and their car passed by the Autumnvale turn off sign, Declan looked back at it with heaviness in his heart; a piece of it having been left there.
Life back home was never going to feel the same.
I miss you… He texted Kinsley at that very moment and then slipped his phone away into his pocket.
*Last Chapter of the story coming on Thursday. 💗 Stay tuned!*
A/N: Not sure why this song kept continually popping up in my mind when writing that part where Declan and Kinsley were looking up at the stars and missing each other. I guess some of the lyrics match the feelings... An oldie, but a goodie. Enjoy. 💗🎵
"I'm With You" - Avril Lavigne
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