6 years agoHero
A Vegetarian Werewolf in Moonlight Falls
This is Margo Fay and she is a vegetarian by day and a werewolf by night. Yes you read that right, she is a vegetarian and a werewolf. She wasn't born a werewolf, she was turned into a werewolf when she got attacked by a pack of werewolves one night while she was taking a nighttime stroll in the park when it was a full moon. She was told that going outside at night when there was a full moon wasn't a good idea as there was some strange creatures that came out on those nights but she dismissed those claims to be fairy tales. Boy was she ever wrong about that.
She just move here to Moonlight Falls right after she was turned into a werewolf from her hometown of Riverview. The night she was attacked by the packs of wolves proved to be a bad and tragic night for her even though she doesn't remember what happened that night other then being chased by the wolves and her tripping over a small boulder and blacking out. She woke up the next morning back in her own bed with bloody and torn clothes and blood on her hands and under her fingernails as well as an urge to scratch herself like a dog with fleas and howl at the moon. She now also has an urge to eat raw meat which is quite strange since she is of course a vegetarian and we all know that vegetarians avoid all meat and animal by-products at any cost. And even though she took several long showers and baths for the next couple of days to get the filth and smell off of her, she was always told by her family that she smell like a wet dog. But what made her decide to leave her hometown was when she heard on the news about a werewolf that attacked the mayor of the town and that there was also a video of the attack. So the news station showed the video and lo and behold it was her on the video as she recognized her torn up clothes which she had already threw away but now she needs to go and burn them so that no one can find them and do dna testing on them so that they can't be traced back to her. She also heard on the news that they were going to bring in some professional werewolf hunters to hunt down and kill any werewolves that they see in hopes that it will dissuade any new packs from coming into their quiet little town.
She ends up getting a text message on her phone from someone that she's never met before (or has she?) telling her that if she's looking for a safe town to move to, than Moonlight Falls is the place to go as it is filled with all kinds of supernatural beings from witches to fairies and werewolves whom can teach her the ways of the wolves if she chooses to remain a werewolf. And if she doesn't want to remain one, then she can find a cure that will allow her to return back to a normal person either at the elixir shop, a witch, an alchemist or have an alchemist show her how to make one on her own. She she replied back to the sender that she will be there the next morning. The sender then sent her the address of a small house that they own in Moonlight Falls stating that she can stay there as long as she likes and that she can decorate it to any style that she wants.
Her other traits are as follows:
Loves to Swim
Night Owl (Which is a good thing for her since she is a werewolf now)
Natural Cook
She is reading a book in handiness so that she can learn how to fix things around the house and else where.
So after she gets there and gets her belongs inside, she is greeted by some of the townsfolk such as Bianca Crumplebottom who is a witch and heads straight to the magic mirror and starts floating around in circles while her clothes sudden change on their own.
Then there is Marigold Maldano who is a fairy who went to check out the kitchen. I do believe that she wanted to check out the magic mirror as well as both her and Bianca kept taking turns talking to the mirror.
Then we have Rick Durwood who is just a normal sim living among the supernatural beings. He seems nice and all but I couldn't help myself from staring at those huge ears that he has :blush:
Then Bianca had her clothes changed again right after she started talking to the magic mirror again.
Margo goes and fixes brunch for everyone since it was mid morning when everyone showed up to greet her. She fixes waffles for the meal hoping that everyone likes them.
While Margo was fixing brunch, Bianca who has changed her clothes yet again sneaks pass her and out to the front porch where Marigold and Rick are having a nice chat at...
Bianca then sneaks up on Rick and scares the heck out of him.
Rick really thought that he was going to have a heart attack from the scare as he was holding his hand over his heart.
When Margo was done cooking the waffles, she calls her guests to come and grab a plate of food. Since Margo only has 3 chairs for the kitchen table, Rick takes his out to the sofa to eat while Bianca and Marigold eat theirs with Margo.
When everyone gets done with their food, Margo collects hers and Bianca's plate while Marigold takes her plate and waits for Margo to finish up at the sink so that she can clean hers while Rick just places his down on the kitchen table.
Margo sits back down at the table to talk to Bianca who decides to check Margo out while they are chatting. From the looks of it, it would seem that Bianca is sizing Margo up or something like that. It's like Bianca is trying to figure out if she can trust Margo or not being that Margo is new to the town.
Then Margo goes over and sits down next to Rick and has a chat with him while Marigold is in Margo's room talking to the magic mirror.
Margo had to go and use the bathroom so when she got done in there, she went in her room to talk to Marigold while Bianca kept walking circles around them as she was trying to get to the magic mirror.
Then Bianca decided to scare Margo in hopes that it makes her and Marigold move so that she can get to the mirror.
Margo had a small chat with Bianca before heading out to the living room to go and sit on the couch.
While everyone was inside, it was storming and hailing outside.
Margo goes and talks with Rick again while Bianca was checking herself out in the mirror above the dresser.
And seeing that Rick was getting tired, Margo politely thanked everyone for dropping by to greet her and said her goodbyes to her new found friends.
Margo goes out to the kitchen so that she can look out the window at the weather and to make sure that everyone left her house with hopes that they all make it home safe and sound during the storm.