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Chapter 2
The next day was December 1st. The beginning day of Miriam's plan.
Ciro anxiously paced around the room as he waited for Miriam to finished getting dressed upstairs. This is insane, he thought to himself. I can't let her do this. But she's always so determined when she sets her mind on something. How can I persuade her that this is a CRAZY idea and is a lost cause?
His head jolted up toward her direction when he heard light footsteps coming down the stairs. He blushed a little as she came towards him with that ever glowing smile of hers and wearing the attire that she was. She was dressed in a rather flattering Santa dress, wearing high green and white striped stockings. The black boots even added a nice, sexy touch. Why is she dressing like this again to see Scrooge McHodge?
It's as if Miriam read his mind. "I know, I know what you're thinking," she said. "It's a bit much, but I've gotta wear something festive and...a little appealing so that it gets his attention and he's willing to chat with me a bit you know?" She winked.
"I understand," Ciro expressed, wanting desperately to pull her in close so he could rub his hands up and down those perfectly formed curves. "But," he stopped himself, "I'm really worried about you doing this Miriam. This guy is dangerous and if anything should happen to you--"
Miriam placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "This is why I asked you to come with me," she assured. "And not just because I need your car," she chuckled. But when Ciro didn't smile back, she continued more seriously. "I know Hodge has the potential to be dangerous, I'm not stupid, but...something within me keeps nagging at me to do this. I feel like I need to do this. I want to do this. I feel so bad for him."
"Your caring heart is admirable Miriam," Ciro said, "but--"
"Besides, how can anyone get angry at someone for giving them a gift?" she asked, pulling out the small gift from her dress pocket to show.
"Someone like him!" Ciro stressed.
Once again Miriam ran a comforting hand down his shoulder. "Don't worry Ciro, it's going to be ok. I can feel it. The man needs this and you know it."
She continued. "And I'll be so charming he won't even be able to resist me."
Upon hearing that, Ciro couldn't help but agree and smile as he found his eyes beginning to wander below her face onto something else.
"No doubt you will," he said admiringly, then added sternly, "but if he so much as tries to hit you or worse, pulls out a gun on you, then you run and yell out for me and I'll be there in a flash!"
Miriam smiled with a blush. "I love how sweet and protective you are Ciro."
"I mean it Miriam."
"I know, come here," she said, enveloping him in her arms. "Thank you. And thank you for helping me with this."
Ciro still felt uneasy sending her off to do this, even if he wouldn't be too far behind her.
Earlier he strongly suggested going to the door with her, but Miriam felt that might be a little too intimidating for Mr. Hodge, so she figured it best that Ciro hide a few feet behind the trees with his car.
As they released each other from the hug, Ciro continued to hold Miriam for a bit. His heart was nearly pounding out of his chest and he couldn't help but say it. "You know I love you right?" he said while gazing into her eyes. "You're my best friend Miriam and I'd never want to lose you."
Miriam didn't look as surprised as he'd hoped from his declaration, but she did blush. "Aww, of course I do," she sweetly replied. "And I love you too. But really Ciro don't worry. Everything will be fine. Let's just go and do this!" She grinned, shaking excitedly.
Ciro nodded, and with that Miriam bolt out the door for the truck.
"You really should've kissed her," Angelica said from the desk, while scrolling through her Facebook page. "It was the perfect moment."
Ciro glanced over at her while expressing a deeply disappointed sigh.
It was about a 15 minute drive to Mr. Hodge's old abandoned warehouse of a home; the two friends probably would've arrived quicker if the roads hadn't been so slushy.
Once Ciro parked the truck beside the road, he and Miriam just sat and stared at the ramshackled old place in silence for a few seconds. He couldn't tell just how nervous Miriam was and how quickly she was debating with herself whether she really wanted to do this.
"We can always turn back," Ciro suggested.
"I know," Miriam nodded, releasing a deep breath. "But I know that if I do that I will forever ask myself, 'What if?'"
Ciro looked down, not knowing what to say.
"No. I'll do it. I'm just giving him a simple gift. Easy enough right?"
"I hope so."
"You've got my back?"
"Of course! I won't take my eyes off you!"
Taking in another deep breath, Miriam released it as she said, "Okay. Let's do this!" and stepped out of the truck.
Deciding not to waste anymore time debating, she bolted towards the warehouse. Maybe saying a tiny little prayer as she did.
Once she stood before the door, preparing to knock, she couldn't help noticing just how much this place reminded her of a creepy warehouse straight from a Simis King novel. She tried to control her shivers of fear, but at least they could be masked by the fact that it's cold outside.
Bravely she knocked on the slivering wood door.
It felt like the longest 30 seconds of her life, paired with light rustling sounds coming from within.
"Scrooge McHodge" flung the door open without any reservation and once he set eyes upon this rare guest, Miriam could see them widen a bit.
"What do you want?" he gruffed at her.
"Umm, Hi!" Miriam greeted cheerfully, throwing out the biggest grin she could muster. "My name is Miriam Day and you are...?"
Mr. Hodge just stared at her with a glare.
"Anyway," she went on, clasping her hands together behind her back to hide both shivers. "I'm here because it's officially the first day of the Holiday Season and," she shuddered as Mr. Hodge stepped out of his home to stand before her while shutting the door. "And...I was thinking of you and wanted to give you a gift." She reached for her dress pocket.
Suddenly, Mr. Hodge chuckled and said in a somewhat mocking tone, while pointing a finger, "Ha ha that's a good one girlie!"
"You must be new in town right?" he asked.
" I've lived here for almost two years."
That seemed to surprise Mr. Hodge a tad, but he shrugged it off and went on to say, "Then you very well know that I don't do Christmas so move along young lady..." and he turned for the door.
"But Mr. Hodge," she beckoned. "You're forgetting my gift to you."
"I don't do gifts either."
"Oh come on...I know you'll really like it," she said in a babying tone of voice.
"I said I don't want your gift!" Mr. Hodge snapped. "Now leave!"
"Ok," Miriam nonchalantly said while scratching her head. "But you see I feel like you're the kind of person who needs a little kindness in their life may not like me stopping by, but I'm going to keep coming by, every single day until Christmas with a special gift for you."
"To show you that I care Mr. Hodge. Just think of me as your own personal Advent Calendar!" She smiled.
"I don't want your Christmas related gifts, or your care, and I don't want you stopping by here every day. Just leave me alone!"
"Ok then," Miriam concluded, bending down towards the ground with the gift, "I'm just going to leave this right here and see you in the morning tomorrow."
"No!" he cried in anger. "Don't you get it missy? I want you off my property and never come back! And if you do I'll call the police."
There was a quick pause as the two stared each other down.
"Then call them," Miriam challenged with a mischievous grin and ran off towards the truck. "Have a lovely December 1st Mr. Hodge," she called back. "See you tomorrow."
"Urrrgghh!" Mr. Hodge grumbled loudly, hoping she would hear, as he kicked her small present clear across the yard.
As he watched the gift fall into a deep drift of snow, he suddenly realized that once the snow melted he would have to see it again and...he didn't want that. He rolled his eyes as he headed over to fetch it. Better to just throw it away so it's gone for good, he thought.
Once he entered his warehouse home and stood before the trash bin, he stopped and studied the present a bit; pressing it every which way, trying to make a guess as to what it could be. Maybe I'll take a quick peek at what it is before I throw it away. His curiosity got the better of him. As he ripped off the paper, falling into the bin as he did, he discovered a nice cigar now resting between his fingers.
With pursed lips he stared at the gift and tried to remember the last time he had a good smoke with a cigar. He really couldn't recall.
With a shrug he thought, Guess I could use a smoke, but ONLY to help me remember the good old days...
Gotta stop the chapter here as I need to go back in game and get a few more pictures for the next part. 😊
Hope you enjoyed! 😃
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