Figures I have to be first - cringing to tell Rflong, "Pardon Lady Rflong, might i have a word with ye? Not meaning to find any faults... sorry... just tiny ones...
Okay I will first get past the funny - caught two fish "funny" plaques - so far anyway - one in the Asylum torture looking chamber on one wall other wise probably known as the lobotomy lab or morgue. Seems fitting providing you did put it there or purpose.
The second i discovered In the Farmers house on the Dining room wall - where co-incidently all mine seem to appear when they weren't supposed to - even on the moon.
No fellow simmers/tester i haven't really taken leave of my senses - it is a bit of an inside joke - Rflong knows and makes me laugh every time and some reason makes me think of Dark Mirage. hehehe
Ok, getting serious now - don't worry - breathe Rflong - it's tiny things and one may be intentional or both, but still in the Farmers house is an item that is from the store and not free i believe - the Alice clock on the kitchen wall. It does look perfect there, but figured I should mention it or be slacking in my duties. But if it was intentional, I love it.
See just small things.
Next - the Usher House - first let me say it is magnificent - love it - but found one wall in the Dining room does not match the rest. It has a wall candlabra there. Again being a haunted house i was not sure if this was intentional or not - but again figured i should bring it up.
A bit more on the serious level still in the "House of Usher" in the bedroom with the loft bed - that particular bed has messed up textures and keeps changing colors or it has stacked beds on top of one another - it is a glitch in Generations i believe - I believe that one is the stacking problem and I understand you just remove the extra beds if it is. Hopefully they give us a real fix for that particular bed eventually.
Okay - that's all I have for now. I figured i would let you know what i have so far.
Reggie sneaks out and back to Haunted Valley......