@emorrill Thanks so much for the comments. :smiley:
hehe, I'm glad you 'got it'. I love that meme!!
Yes, the ghost gnomes hold ghosts that will haunt your property if you put one on it. @CravenLestat had 4 in her inventory and I added few when I thought they had disappeared and suddenly I have tons of ghosts. lol, I dunno where they were hiding but they were hiding very well.
hehe, yes, I've had ice cream for breakfast too. Just not pizza!
I keep meaning to pop those ghosts into CAS to see if any are keepers with a little makeover.
I actually love gnomes and I hate when they die. :cry: I've had 4 die in DV and they were gnomes that the gang got at Uni.
I think its fun having Mary talk to herself. She's tried talking to the ghosts and they will talk a few but then they just float away leaving her in the middle of a conversation. :expressionless:
Gonna be busy working tomorrow so probably not much time to write. I'm going to try to write some tonight though. I'm caught up on today's work and even did an internet class! :lol: It was a short one.