@meerkattime Thanks so much for your comments! :smiley: I love reading them.
The house definitely has a rep with the townspeople.
Damien is very brave and very stubborn and is learning to accept that ghosts are real even if he does not want them in his house.
He thought he got rid of them all. :wink:
hehe, Mary is full of contradictions. Her emotions are all over the place.
No, cleaning wasn't the autonomous thing...I made her help clean up. He was getting really tired and I wanted him to get some rest. The autonomous thing was a really big plot change, but I think I liked what she did, better than what I had planned. I'll make sure I let y'all know when I get to that place. I'm still not caught up with writing vs playtime.
@emorrill Thanks so much for all the comments. :smiley: I get a big smile on my face reading them.
It is quite a project to renovate such a rundown place especially when he can't figure out how to get into the third-floor attic space.
When I was doing the floor in build mode I decided to just repair the busted ones. The tile is pretty, but wow the whole floor done like that is just a bit too busy for my taste, so I have to think about it for a while. Good thing he was running out of money. :lol:
I love those stained glass windows and use them when I can. The other windows will eventually get a paint job.
You didn't miss the spell earlier. I just wrote it this update.
hehe, Mary was very naughty. The snow piles were done using the WA sand piles and changing the color to white. Worked perfectly. I used debug on the floor to make the water puddles for the melting effect.
Yes, we want our men to be hard workers and Damien has great character.
I think Mary was surprised he didn't run away. She's going to learn he is persistent and just a little stubborn and cannot be pushed.
Wasn't that the saddest face! I felt sorry for him and had to send him to sleep after that.
I just looked up Haunts Haven and it sounds like a great story. I can get it on my kindle when I can get another gift card to buy a few more books. I've been downloading freebies lately. I put it on my wish list