@bekkasan : Poor Damien, after the renovation he had to clean up again!
But he changed into some more warmer sports wear, it seems! :D
:D The renovation keeps the warmth in the house at least, but the rag rug looks a bit strange. I don´t know if one can paint wood floor but the floor needs a more consistent look! ;)
I really like the turquoise patterns which match the windows! Damien has a very nice taste! :p :p
Must have been hard work for you to first renovate the house, then to make it dirty and after that to clean it up again!
The cold must have Mary make a bit crazy that she trashed the house, good that she now knows that Damien wants to find out about her! But it seems as if she thinks that he wants to destroy her. I hope she realizes that he can help her, maybe she should reveal herself to him? And I hope he comes to the conclusion that his friend is not needed for her!
I wander what the memorial is about and what´s its story?
Mary´s parrot must be a very quiet bird that Damien hasn´t heard him, or does the spell protect noise, too? The witch couldn´t help Mary and resurrect her? That´s sad!
I like how you desribed what Damien ate, now I´m hungry, shortly before going to bed! :D Isn´t it tautological if salmon is stuffed with crab meat? Is this a special receipt from a certain area of the US?
Waiting for more about Mary and her fortune!