Mary Kendall, A Ghost Story
The Ghost Hunter
Mary wakes feeling very refreshed. She had so little sleep the night before with the terrible dreams she is surprised she slept like the proverbial rock this night. It is wonderful to feel rested, settled, and less anxious. She is excited knowing her visit with Liam is tomorrow and prays he can help her. She eats some leftovers from the fridge and cleans up after herself quickly, as she can hear that man moving around upstairs. She sighs and floats outdoors just before he enters the room. is awake and he showers, dresses, and walks through the house before going into the kitchen. Everything is clean and neat just as he left it. He breathes a sigh of relief. Grabbing the ingredients for pancakes from the fridge, he starts preparing them. He knows Jamison likes fruit, so he cuts up an apple which is the only fruit in the fridge. He softens the pieces in the microwave before adding it to the batter. He needs to stock up at the store. He thinks it is a shame he can't send one of the ghosts shopping for him since they are bound to the lot. has barely finished cooking the pancakes when he hears Jamison's motorcycle roaring up the mountain. He wonders if the noise woke up half the population of the town. He laughs thinking about some of the more conservative townsfolk that have turned up their noses at his motorcycle. Wait till they see Jamie's beast. He opens the door and waits as Jamie parks and hugs him as he comes on the porch. "Come inside, you must be freezing after coming through the mountains. You made good time, I finished the pancakes a few minutes ago so they are nice and fresh." move indoors to the warmth and do the secret handshake started as boys in their clubhouse. Both laugh amazed they remember the entire pattern. Damien serves the pancakes and they chat about Jamie's trip and how impressed he is with the repair work that has been started. "I remember looking at the video and pictures you had from the realtor. You've made a promising start and things are already better."
"I expect it will be a work in progress for some time. I met a creative decorator who was recommended by the construction crew I hired. She expressed a few ideas about renovating and enlarging the space and still maintaining the authentic look. I also would like a separate building for my office. I definitely don't want to keep meeting prospective clients in the living room. I might look at renting or investing in a place in town as time goes on. I started working as a PI and have a few cases already so I'm back to making money again. I discovered a couple of gemstones in the woods when I took the gnomes and sold them for a nice price at the consignment shop. That will help fund the renovations." breakfast, they sit in Damien's office area, and Damien brings Jamie up to date on the ghost situation.
Jamie nods thoughtfully. "I told you taking them off the property might not work. It was worth a try, though. I expect another ghost on the property caused the destruction the other night. Unless you overlooked one of the gnomes."
"Unless the gnome was in the attic, I'm reasonably certain I got them all."
"I'm not sensing anything particularly malevolent right now. I would like to wander around and get a feel for the house and the property. I think it is interesting the ghosts want to make that deal with you. It is absolutely true that if you can resolve what is binding them to this world, they will be able to move forward if that is their wish. Some ghosts prefer staying around. I've heard rumors of ghosts being resurrected and made human again and that it started here in Hidden Springs. I hope to find out more. Ghost hunters primarily remove hostile or wicked spirits or poltergeists. Folks don't like sharing their homes with evil. Can't say I blame them." visits the witch, Emmaline Rhoen. She lives in a wooded area outside of town. She is unable to help any further. "The spell will hold against anyone that is not magical. They will not see the doorway. But it will not make the wall or doorway resistant to a sledgehammer. You are panicking Mary! Perhaps this man, who obviously loves the house, is the answer to your prayers. Think about it. He is actually fixing it up and not allowing you or the other ghosts to frighten him away. Tell you what I will do. I'm giving you a potion that will release the spell in case he does try bashing the wall down. All you have to do is toss it at the doorway, and the spell will be broken. It will prevent your very expensive equipment from being damaged."
"You know, he did say he wasn't leaving and had waited a long time to solve the mystery of Mary Kendall and Spring Manor. That was when he yelled after I had left the windows open and kind of trashed his areas of the house. Thank you for the advice and the potion. I will think about what you said." puts his outdoor clothing back on and goes out to look around the property. He finds the ghost gnomes congregating at the front of the property. He looks around the yard thinking how pretty it will be once Damien starts working on the outside. He passes the garage and Betty floats out of the garage door. "Who are you?" she inquires.
Jamie introduces himself as a friend of Damien's.
"You don't seem very startled by being addressed by a ghost."
Jamie grins at her. "No ma'am, you are not the first ghost I've encountered."
"Are you going to be helping Damien find proof that I was killed by my husband?"
"He's usually pretty good at discovering those kinds of things himself. I have a different set of skills. I'm a ghost hunter."
Betty looks shocked. "Damien hired a ghost hunter? Whatever for? We don't have the kind of ghosts here that hunters seek."
"Damien is my best friend. I offered to help him when he told me this place was overrun by ghosts. There is quite a history of residents of this house being tormented and fleeing in the middle of the night. You know we hunters do take care of poltergeists who seek to harm humans."
"But, we don't do that!" Betty replied insistently.
"Someone played some nasty tricks the other night. If it wasn't your set of ghosts who was it?"
"Oh, pish posh, you silly man! Wet clothes and snow in the rooms doesn't mean a poltergeist is about."
"Tricks can start out as fun or silly or a little scary. Sadly, they eventually end up becoming more harmful and downright dangerous if not stopped. I don't want my friend harmed. Do I make myself clear."
"Perfectly! No need to be so obnoxious about it. Twit!" Betty doesn't like what he is insinuating. She poofs away.
Jamie much amused by his encounter with the ghost laughs heartily. appears in the attic where Mary had been brewing potions. "Did you know that Damien's friend that showed up today is a ghost hunter?"
Mary stops her brewing and stares at Betty. "What! I didn't even know anyone had shown up today. I was out visiting Emmaline. Good gracious! How many humans are going to live in this house! I'm not worried about a ghost hunter, though. None of us are the kind of ghosts they go after."
"He heard about the tricks we've played over the years on renters and of course, what you did the other night."
Mary blushes. "We only did what we had to do to keep everyone away. This is my house!"
Betty looks at Mary with pity. "No honey, it is not your house. If you could only accept that you would be better off."
"If I wasn't dead, I'd be a whole lot better off!" Mary shouts and stomps her feet causing another piece of glass to fall out of the window.
"Oh dear, I've distressed you and I didn't mean to do that." She gives Mary a watery hug until Mary sniffles, sighs, and eventually relaxes.
"I'm terribly ashamed! I didn't mean to yell at you. I'm so frustrated. Emmaline told me I needed to stop panicking. I guess I really do. I can't wait to hear what Liam has to say tomorrow.