@bekkasan I'm glad to hear that Mary slept better last night. ? A good night's rest after months of not sleeping well is divine!
Hmm, an interesting twist I'm wondering about here: Might Mary develop a little feelings for Liam? :smirk:
I don't know why she doesn't want to try and at least
meet Damien now that she knows he's curious about her case and is trying to solve it. Does she not consider that a good thing? There's definitely something she's keeping hidden deep within herself and it's intriguing me. :grin: I'm eager to find out!
He has barely finished cooking the pancakes when he hears Jamison's motorcycle roaring up the mountain. He wonders if the noise woke up half the population of the town.
^Ha ha! This cracked me up. :lol: Because I could totally imagine it! We've had some crazy loud motorcycles fly on down the main road by our house over the years and I always sit there and think, "You're not cool alright!" :unamused: Or I think something else, but I won't say it here. :p Jamie though...he's actually legit cool and he knows it. :sunglasses:
I love that they have a secret handshake and did it when they first greeted each other. :lol: Cute.
Sounds like Damien has some good plans laid out. :)
I can understand Jamie being concerned about a poltergeist due to what Mary did the other night...it was pretty crazy! :flushed:
Oooooh so Mary got the spell stuff from Emmaline! I thought so. :smirk:
You are panicking Mary! Perhaps this man, who obviously loves the house, is the answer to your prayers. Think about it. He is actually fixing it up and not allowing you or the other ghosts to frighten him away
^You know what? I agree with evil Emmaline on this one. (Oh yeah, she's not evil in this story. ;) :p Hee hee!)
Okay the conversation between Jamie and Betty was great!! :mrgreen: I thoroughly enjoyed it. Betty was real old lady snippy with him, for not an entirely bad reason I can see, but Jamie wasn't going to take any nonsense when it comes to the safety of Damien. He's like a brother to him and this moment really showed his love for him. (And honestly, it was really kinda hot! :love: ) Sorry! :lol:
The conversation between Betty and Mary was equally great too and it got pretty unexpectedly intense at the end. :open_mouth: My heart really does go out to Mary. :cry: It was just darn UNFAIR what happened to her and I can only imagine how much that would bother, anger, and haunt someone, even on the other side. Hugs to her. <3 I can't wait to find out what Liam has to say. :star: More soon please! :blush: