@starguru Thanks so much for your comments and for reading Mary's story! :smiley: :heart:
Mary has been alone for so long other than her random ghosts and the few townies like Emmaline that she has approached over the years. It's a big adjustment for her.
She really did start thinking of the house as hers despite the horror of her death outside of it and she only occupies it during the winters. You are correct that it has been her refuge and a constant in getting her through each winter when she has reappeared.
@AlexaKry Be reassured, I do 'saveas' prior to my MOO'ing sims around and taking the pictures. I then quit to desktop and reload the prior save so none of those MOO's are saved. :grin: That is one reason sometimes it takes forever to get an update written. My Ballan family takes a bit to load. It needs cleaning! I do the same for pose player pictures as well as sometimes you have to move them closer with the alt key for the pose to look proper. I will sometimes save a picture save if I think I will need to go back to it but it is always saved with 'pics' in the save name and I don't resume play from it, but the one before. Does that make sense?
Do you know I've never worn leather pants! I have a beautiful leather jacket and yes, it is incredibly warm but I don't really need it in Florida.
hehe, yep I think the long johns are sexy! of course, I think boxers or briefs are sexy too! Heck, guys are just sexy period no matter what they are wearing.