@meerkattime Thanks so much for your lovely comments. :smiley:
I hope all is well with you. I'm glad you found the updates and hope all the questions are being answered. :wink:
Yes, it is bad news. But he is going to keep trying and I'm sure Jamie and Damien will help too.
I think Mary melted a little when she heard he was half in love with her. :grin: What gal wouldn't?
I was so thrilled with the hearts since I had not planned the meeting that way. :love:
hehe, that sexy lingerie came with her so you know who picked it. :lol: I picked the long johns! :grin:
I would have felt very awkward, but Damien didn't have any quilts to offer her to wrap up in. hehe, I was really amazed his eyes never drifted off her face. He was a gentleman! Well, once they sat down. He did look at her when they were talking at the fireplace. :wink:
Thank you!