Looks like I have some catching up to do! You’ve been busy, @bekkasan!
He might decide to capture her especially if he thinks she has caused all the damage around here...which she did.
:joy: :joy: I love that line! It’s also a great potential idea for another story—a ghost hunter meeting a ghost s/he is supposed to capture or encourage to move on, but can’t bring themselves to do, for any number of reasons.
You've portrayed Jamie's sensitivity to ghosts very well. It's more than detecting their presence, but a bit of their personalities/moods too. It seems he’ll be a great help to both Damien and Mary. Even if Mary is not ready to cooperate just yet. :p
Hmm, I wonder why the director is out today? :smirk: It will be interesting to see what happens when Liam meets Jamie and realizes he and Damien are trying to help Mary too!
I was wondering about the chapter title and who Lia might turn out to be. She’s such a pretty kitty! I wonder how she’ll do in a house full of active spirits, since lore suggests cats are sensitive to such things. Maybe that’s partly why she turned up at Spring Manor?
Wow. :o Betty’s husband was absolutely evil! :rage: I am so glad Damien is willing to help her and the other ghosts, as well as being in a position to do so.
Jamie’s convo with Daniel was hilarious! :lol: But then,
They are here to help conceal the presence of the other one.
How clever of Jamie! I like how you’re showing Jamie’s intellect as more the intuitive kind, whereas Damien is more logic and evidence-driven, which suits them in their respective careers and makes them a great investigative duo. But the big question is... concealing Mary from what/whom? And what happens if/when the other ghosts have their cases solved before Mary’s and they move on, leaving none to hide her from whatever-it-is? :fearful: So fun to ponder that! :mrgreen: As well as contemplating that mysterious memorial and how it may fit in.
I love Liam’s office! And also Jamie’s leathers. ;) And that was an interesting conversation they had, with Jamie being very forthcoming and Liam not revealing anything about Mary. :mrgreen: Cool that Liam is also intrigued by the other ghosts and wants to meet them. Maybe learning some specifics about them might lead to some breakthrough discovery that can be used to help Mary.
AHHH! I loved Jamie’s conversation with Damien, especially knowing Betty’s gnome was there listening to the whole thing! :lol: If anything might encourage Mary to start trusting Damien a little, this may be it!
Oh no! How crushing it must be for Mary to know that Liam cannot safely proceed after she has pinned all her hopes on him! :bawling:
Ugh! I hate to see Mary feeling so low. :cry: But there are still other options, and not just moving on, so there’s still hope!
Looking forward to seeing the results of Damien attempting to coax Mary from her attic room! And also seeing how Jamie fares with his ghosthunting job! I tend to play self-employed careers, but ghosthunting is one of the active professions I’ve always enjoyed. :)
Damien was doing such a good job setting the perfect mood to draw Mary out, so of course there’s a fire! :joy: I guess whatever works! :p (That was a great twist the game gave you!)
Mary looks pretty ticked off, but... they got the flying hearts! <3 And she’s agreed to hear him out. :mrgreen: Progress!
I loved how you described that sense of warmth Mary felt when Damien held her hand, and finally stopped her shivering after being so cold for so long. <3 <3 <3
Now just imagine how much warmer you would’ve felt if you went with your initial inclination to kiss him, Mary! ;) :lol:
Aww. Damien looks so happy now that he has finally met her and she’s promised not to hide from him anymore. :)
Of course, that means more obstacles are imminent... :#