@emorrill I'm happy to see your comments. Thanks so much! :smiley: :heart:
I think Jamie and Damien could have a lot of adventures helping other ghosts once they get Mary and the others settled. :wink:
Mary picked that way to meet Jamie! :lol: She's a trip for a shy, socially awkward gal.
I have no idea what hair she is wearing. I'll check next time I'm in the game for you.
Yes, she has kept to herself or just the other ghosts for so long that it will be hard. She is enjoying the company of the guys though and seems to seek them both out. I did find her wandering in the woods the other day hunting gems. I had to send her home it was picture time! lol
yes, snowflake day kinda popped up on me! I had forgotten it would be coming and had not checked any work calendars since I have both of them in jobs I have to help manage.
I had a bird in the other story chirping outside the kitchen window driving me bonkers. It was too close to the house and Wisteria couldn't capture it, so I used nraas debug and sent it to the household inventory and sold it that way! :open_mouth: :D
No kisses yet!
@AlexaKry Thanks so much for the comments. Glad to read them! :smiley: :heart:
lol, I have a feeling if they were fairies they would be pranking each other all day. :grin:
She has feelings for Damien and is starting to recognize them. Damien for sure has feelings for her and doesn't have a problem with it. Mary will be a little slower coming to terms because of her past.
Yes, the Vanderburg's particularly Catarina can be pretentious, but they also reward excellence.
Yes, Jamie's reputation is growing and the town is getting plagued by little sprites and poltergeists! :s
She had instant hearts for Damien and none for Jamie. None for Liam either as I decided to give her that third option. If she gets hearts for any townies...too bad! LOL Choice is made. :wink: