@bekkasan : Great update!
Awww, Mary gets a Christmas party, that is so sweet of the boys!
So nice of the ghosts to help to decorate!
I wonder what the ghost get as presents, something substantial or something ethereal??? :p
Hehehe, Damien´s prayer to the fire god: don´t set the chimney on fire. It had helped obviously! Does it work just with the fire god?
So I ask myself what Emmaline told Damien when seeing his future: does she see danger coming to him and Mary? But she approved of him, she should tell Mary to trust him fully if she doesn´t do that already.
So it is tradition in the Sims world to play domino at Christmas? Or is it just a coincidence of the three friends and their families´ traditions?
A trip to the winter festival for the ghosts, so nice of Jamie and so convenience for Damien and Mary..... :)
I saw the cat hunting in the other thread, did she stay away from the Christmas tree? :D