@emorrill Thanks so much for your comments. :smiley: :heart: I always enjoy reading what you are thinking when you are reading my stories!
Is that a hint you want a shirtless picture of Damien cooking? :lol:
I will try to oblige you. :grin:
I think that one was Winnie something or other in that long skirt. Alisha wears one too.
I love how the rainbows pop up so often in HS's. Not seeing them in DV though. Wonder why!
I couldn't believe what Bert was wearing but I left his sleazy bu tt in it.
I tried my best to make it strawberry blond but yea, in some light it looks a little reddish. I should go back into cas and try again.
lol, your comment about her comment about the snow. Next time you send me a message about the snow in your town and having to shovel it etc I'm gonna remind you about that comment!
So, I surprised you with Bekka's reaction?
I really had fun writing that part. I wondered what the reactions would be and it has been varied on the other thread.
I needed that tension so I wouldn't let her explain! :grin:
@alexakry Well, it was really one update, but was way too many pictures (36) to put in one post! :lol: Thanks so much for your comments! :smiley: :heart: I love reading them.
I really love the snowboarding and am happy to have it back in my game!
I can't stand those plain venues and have to fix them up with fun things for sims to do.
Yes, they are getting more comfortable with each other and Mary seeks him out when I am controlling others. :grin:
Jamie didn't mean anything suggestive by his question. He didn't even suggest anything suggestive. He had no way of knowing what her past was either. Remember, he is new to town. She really jumped to conclusions based on her past and her assumptions that she had seen him flirting with women all over town.
Why wouldn't sims want to crawl inside and check out the igloo they just built. I would!
I think EA made the igloo's 'dirty' in simmers minds by allowing woohoo in them. :lol:
I actually had a survival story once and my two sims lived in the igloo most of the winter. They didn't have a house.
I needed the tension between them so I wouldn't let her explain. :grin: I love watching the sparks fly between my redheaded Jamie and Bekka who is supposed to be strawberry blondish. In some of the light, it looks kinda red though.