@emorrill Thanks so much for your comments! I enjoy reading them so much. :grin:
With your knowledge of music I didn't think you would have trouble identifying that wording. :smiley:
I wasn't sure I would post it but the last bit went together pretty easy so I hit that post button before I crashed.
well I first used mor..on, but it was hearted and I changed it to cre...tin and it was hearted so I gave up. I already knew Je..rk would be hearted. :grin: :lol: It is kinda frustrating. I sure wasn't going to call him that sweet boy next door! duh.
I love it when my gals ride motorcycles. My other Bekka from the Bekka and Patrick story rides a motorcycle.
yes, you guessed it :grin:
I'm happy that you enjoyed it and the next part will be up soon, I hope, depending on work and how tired my brain is in the evenings. I've got pictures taken and some of the writing done.
@ciane :smiley: I hope to have the next part up soon, depends on work. I'm happy you are reading.
@tamijo Thanks for reading and letting me know you are reading. :smiley: I know you said on the other thread English is not your native language so if you have any questions feel free to ask. Congrats on your member status!