@bekkasan I'm reading 'Betty's Decision' I have my coffee, all ready to get immersed again into the story!
I love how easy going Jamie is, giving a high five after the scare! hehe
I still can't get over Becca's hair! too lovely for words! can you please come over and dye mine just like that please!
Oh Lea is awesome looking, I always wanted a cat that looked like that! I love the pic, Jamie is cooing and smooching at her like to a baby <3
bekkasan I am just so crazy about how Jamie is so in tune with how Bekka is feeling, I just love how he can read her. I have known people like that, in tune to every detail, every shift of body movement. I love to see it in your story!
"I've pretty much learned if there is a legend or story it is based on fact with perhaps a touch of fantasy in the story.'' *nods head*
love the interaction of Jamie and Damien, such good friends.
oh my the case Jamie just solved! oh Betty's decision! it is so good she is satisfied know what happened. what a relief it must be for her.
And as they hug we can see Lea is there watching it all, listening, exuding her catness, her cat peace, with her purrs.
"yes, send me home please" yes home. Adieu Betty. 'With a flash of light and a puff of smoke, Betty is gone.' Beautiful.
Just Wonderful Bekkasan! <3 I'm always a bit surprised when *poof* the chapter ends. It is so nice to be inside your story!