The Van Halen song is great and very suitable, @bekkasan! I’ve been listening to more VH again lately; RIP Eddie. :( Although I admit I was the same as @AlexaKry; given the title, my mind immediately jumped to the Whitesnake song. (Despite listening to a lot of different things, I’ve always preferred classic/hard rock and heavy metal, so that probably explains it.) @emorrill’s thought with the REO Speedwagon tune also fit very well; another classic. And I’m sure there’s probably something by Chicago that could work as well. Lots of good song options from the 80’s—shoulderpads and big hair notwithstanding. :lol: And I say this as someone who had the
biggest hair back in the day. :p
Aw...I love how nervous Damien is, just blurting things out and then stuttering and apologizing. <3
But then this line sneaked up on me:
Mary loves flowers and no one has given her flowers since her funeral and that shouldn’t count.
:heartbreak: :bawling:
And then these lines killed me in a far nicer way:
Is this a date? No, I don't think so.
He carefully applies his aftershave as if it is a date.
Also, cute towel, Jamie. ;)
Sounds like Damien has the right idea for his first date with Mary. Looking forward to its continuation, as well as seeing Jamie on his not-date date! :smiley: