@bekkasan - I understand the dilemma—there are so many songs that can fit a story/chapter that it can be hard to choose only one. I like to listen to stuff when I pre-write and edit—it helps me find the right mood and influences the tone of a chapter. I love that music has the power to do that. I’d definitely give Chicago a replay when you’re looking for 80’s pop rock/soft rock inspiration, along with REO Speedwagon, Journey and Air Supply; maybe some Phil Collins, Lionel Richie, Bryan Adams... tons more, but I’m sure you know all of these so I’ll stop now. :p But yeah, the VH song was a great pick, and even more timely/appropriate now with Eddie’s passing, I think.
I like that we can look back on those old videos and see the trends of the era, especially when some of those similar styles start coming back! Like how 70’s bell bottoms became 90’s flares, and how 80’s spandex led to modern leggings. :lol: And rhinestones are synonymous to country music for me—the old “Rhinestone Cowboy” effect, I guess. ;) I don’t listen to much country, but when I do I tend to gravitate to the stuff I heard as a young child—Kenny, Dolly, Johnny, Willie—the songs that bring back memories. Ah, nostalgia.
Oh, no worries! I didn’t find the flowers line upsetting; it’s more that it caught me off guard during a time of satisfaction and happiness for Mary and Damien. It was one of those noteworthy reminders that Mary has had experiences that we can only imagine. The contrast with what she would have felt upon receiving flowers had her life been different was just so striking to me and made the moment bittersweet. But I loved it because it was powerful as well as ponderful; it made me feel and it made me think, which all the best stories do. I am glad you went with it! <3
Yes, with Jamie believing Bekka is the one, I can see him wanting it to be a date. :smiley: And seeing more of him wearing only a towel? Bonus! :mrgreen:
Oh Jamie... BRRRR. I might run outside quick in the snow when barefoot, but there’s no way I’d be doing topless snow angels! :p :lol: Although I’m glad he did. :smirk:
@emorrill – Yup, that’s the one! :) It came out when I was in elementary school, and even then it felt timeless.
And I had completely forgotten until now, but in middle school we had to do a paper on a modern artist for music class, and I picked Chicago. We also had to bring a record or cassette tape to play for the project, as an example. I didn't know anyone who had a recording of the song that I could borrow, so I ended up talking to a DJ from the local radio station and he loaned me the single on vinyl. :smiley:
(And same; on the occasions I was persuaded to wear a dress, that seam ripper for the shoulder pads was a must!)